Abandoning SEASON 1:
In 1989, another Dragnet TV series was attempted. This time, with Jack Webb dead, it was a remake/re-visioning that didn't even keep the name Joe Friday for one of the leads. Yet it keeps the opening badge shot and the voiceover about where they work. All episodes were scored by a composer named Bill Fulton. His awful rock theme music doesn't even use the Dragnet theme. "The Twisted Triangle" (1.1) https://ok.ru/video/5029112384203 "Highlights": 16:00 in. Man, just bad. Everything is off, the leads are mis-cast, don't mesh together, don't have the acting chops for their roles, and there is no interest factor in either of them. The whole thing looks and feels like a bad 1990's cheap TV series. The synth/rock scoring is irritating and empty. How this got picked up for a full season after this episode, is beyond me. "The Living Victim" https://ok.ru/video/5027182611147 Highlights: Nothing. Another bad episode. "The Payback" https://ok.ru/video/5029181000395 "Highlights": 0:46 in. and. 5:15 in. 5:52 in.^ 14:58 in.^ Some of the cheap synth scoring kind of came together in this episode, but I woukdn't buy it. Episode: Boring. "The Bigamist" https://ok.ru/video/5029121493707 Highlights: 15:16 in.^ 18:27 in. Boring. Lord, I wanted to cover the series, but I just can't watching this -- it's so bland, so generic, so un-engaging, so bad. I am abandoning the series. Never had to do this before! I'll link to this thread in the 1967 "Dragnet" series. How this crap lasted two [full!] seasons is also beyond me! The rest of the series (with episodes mis-numbered): https://ok.ru/video/c13268427