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 Posted:   Jun 14, 2024 - 5:03 PM   
 By:   The Beach Bum   (Member)

Back in the day, I bought the Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome LP for Maurice Jarre's score - which was allotted one side consisting of three tracks - "Bartertown", "The Children" and "Coming Home". The other side of course was pop tracks -- Tina Turner's "We Don't Need Another Hero" and "One Of The Living", plus an "instrumental version" of "We Don't Need Another Hero" (which was nothing but the backup tracks minus Turner's vocals).

But the other day I came across a site which was selling the UK release of the Thunderdome LP. On a lark I clicked on the link - and was amazed to discover this album had an alternate program, which mixed the songs and score, but most surprising was the inclusion of a Jarre track not included on the US LP - "Apocalyptic Prelude".

Does anyone know why the US album did not include this cue? Or why the sequencing was different? I assume some of our British members must own this vinyl. Was "Apocalyptic Fanfare" the main title, or was it the Thunderdome fanfare (heard in the movie just before the fight sequence) or another track entirely?

 Posted:   Jun 14, 2024 - 8:16 PM   
 By:   GoblinScore   (Member)

I was hoping someone more learned and positive could comment here first....but I'll have a go for the moment.

The original plan was a 2lp set, and yes Apocalypsr Prelude was the original main title to be included.

Your link, BB, shows the same, standard 6 track (3 Tina, 3 Jarre) program we all know....and its sold out. Advise?!

If there was a longer, different pressing of this masterwork....ah, off to discogs!


 Posted:   Jun 15, 2024 - 1:36 AM   
 By:   Hercule Platini   (Member)

I was hoping someone more learned and positive could comment here first....but I'll have a go for the moment.

The original plan was a 2lp set, and yes Apocalypsr Prelude was the original main title to be included.

Your link, BB, shows the same, standard 6 track (3 Tina, 3 Jarre) program we all know....and its sold out. Advise?!

If there was a longer, different pressing of this masterwork....ah, off to discogs!


But it does include that extra track according to the image of the rear sleeve.

 Posted:   Jun 15, 2024 - 4:27 AM   
 By:   doug raynes   (Member)

I still have the Capital Records UK LP. I haven't looked at it for years (especially since the Tadlow 2 CD set) but it is the same as the back cover shown above with 4 tracks on side 1. Sorry but I haven't listened to it. It's a gatefold LP and contains an insert - a poster of Mel Gibson and Tina Turner!

 Posted:   Jun 15, 2024 - 4:29 AM   
 By:   Ny   (Member)

The extra track is the Thunderdome fanfare as far as I remember, rather than main title.
My friend had it, I had the UK cassette release which did not have the extra track

 Posted:   Jun 15, 2024 - 5:30 AM   
 By:   Hurdy Gurdy   (Member)

I always thought it was just a printing error and the extra track (Apocalyptic Prelude) never actually made it on to the album.

 Posted:   Jun 15, 2024 - 5:31 AM   
 By:   Hurdy Gurdy   (Member)

Deep Pee.

 Posted:   Jun 15, 2024 - 7:22 AM   
 By:   The Beach Bum   (Member)

Your link, BB, shows the same, standard 6 track (3 Tina, 3 Jarre) program we all know....and its sold out. Advise?!

If you click on the thumbnail for the rear cover image, it should open the pic with the alternate track listing.

 Posted:   Jun 15, 2024 - 2:17 PM   
 By:   Mark malmstrom   (Member)

there is an expanded score release

 Posted:   Jun 15, 2024 - 2:22 PM   
 By:   John Smith   (Member)

I have the Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome LP in my hand. It’s the gatefold Capital Records UK release – with the Gibson/Turner poster. The rear sleeve is the same as the image posted by Hercule Platini, with one difference: in the top right-hand corner, above the catalogue numbers, my rear sleeve states, UK: DOME 1. This doesn’t appear on the aforementioned rear sleeve image on the RareVinyl webpage.

I bought the album in 1987 in Reddingtons Rare Records in Birmingham, as HMV and all my usual local soundtrack suppliers had sold out. I mention this because the two copies of the LP in RRR were not sealed. Whilst no fan of Jarre’s, I liked the Thunderdome fanfare and assumed the track “Apocalyptic Prelude” contained this music. It wasn’t until I got home that I discovered that there was no trace of this track on either side of the disc. In fact, the tracks on the actual record didn’t match those listed on the rear sleeve at all – but replicated the US release.

According to the RRR owner, no-one had nefariously switched the UK MMBT vinyl disc with an American one, which was my initial suspicion (RRR’s second copy of the LP contained the same disc as mine - pressed in the UK with matching catalogue numbers). The UK gatefold sleeve was, he claimed, produced for a slightly expanded release which, for whatever reason, never materialized - and that all British LP pressings were ultimately US duplicates but in erroneous packaging.

From what I gather, there never was an alternative UK pressing. ALL British copies of Thunderdome apparently contain exactly the same tracks as the US release. Indeed, if you read the RareVinyl tracklistings for their copy of the UK vinyl LP of MMBT, they exactly match the US pressing, despite the misleading track listing on the rear sleeve image included on their website.

It would appear that the British sleeve was never corrected, hence the urban myths about a rare expanded UK release…

 Posted:   Jun 15, 2024 - 2:33 PM   
 By:   Ny   (Member)

Oh, I guess I'm mis-remembering from my youth, or never heard the evidence.

 Posted:   Jun 15, 2024 - 4:03 PM   
 By:   Trekfan   (Member)

Also related is an old, fascinating "Cinemascore" article from a 1986/1987 issue, penned by David Stoner that may be worth a read for anyone interested:

It does begin with "the sleeve’s inclusion of the mythical track, “Apocalyptic Prelude.” " in the opening sentence.

 Posted:   Jun 15, 2024 - 4:18 PM   
 By:   Clark Wayne   (Member)

I'm in the UK. Mine was pop songs side 1 score side 2.

 Posted:   Jun 15, 2024 - 5:12 PM   
 By:   John Smith   (Member)

I'm in the UK. Mine was pop songs side 1 score side 2.

That's the pressing we all had in the UK - that's to say, the same as the US release.

 Posted:   Jun 16, 2024 - 8:59 AM   
 By:   The Beach Bum   (Member)

Indeed, if you read the RareVinyl tracklistings for their copy of the UK vinyl LP of MMBT, they exactly match the US pressing, despite the misleading track listing on the rear sleeve image included on their website.

It would appear that the British sleeve was never corrected, hence the urban myths about a rare expanded UK release…

Thanks for the information! smile

Though that's pretty infuriating that Capitol records altered the album content without changing the packaging!

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