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 Posted:   Aug 28, 2024 - 2:18 PM   
 By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)


Series from 1978 that last one nearly full season (For that time). Kaz is a ex car thief turned lawyer.

The funky pilot theme music is by Fred Karlin. The re-done series regular jazz version is also Karlin.

This was one of those series that was previously impossible to do because for the longest time, no episodes were available, the in recent years the pilot popped up. Then in lase August this year, half the series popped up.

Presumably Karlin scored all the episodes, as half the series is up and all of those are credited to him.

Attention readers: I have been using a system that is nothing more than a note to myself; for cues that I want to include in a suite one day, for now on I will denote them with ^ symbol. It has no special meaning to anyone else but myself. No, the lack of an up arrow symbol doesn't mean the cue is bad (it just may have too much SFX or FX for suite use or just isn't worth my time to edit and include). Hence forth this system will be in all future threads and pre-exiting threads that I go back to for missed episodes. Anything in ( ) are just notes to the arrow and you need not bother with that. The system does not mean that I will make a suite or that one has been made, it's simply for my own reference if and when I do decide to.

[b"]Kaz" (1.0) (Regular length pilot)

  • 0:00 in. The funky arrangement of the theme music, only used for the pilot.^
  • 3:55 in. More funky theme music.^
  • 9:09 in. Again more, and it sounds like it continues the above cue.^
  • 22:15 in.
  • 27:54 in.^
  • 35:09 in. Funky-licious opening.^
  • 36:14 in.^
  • 48:21 in. Almost immediately followed by the end credits (a couple of brief cut-aways to commercials that were deleted from the load).^

    That's the entire score, minus the source music (the source cue later in the episode where they are drinking Champaign, is pretty nice).

     Posted:   Aug 29, 2024 - 5:29 AM   
     By:   CindyLover   (Member)

    This was one of those series that was previously impossible to do because for the longest time, no episodes were available, the in recent years the pilot popped up. Then in lase August this year, half the series popped up.

    Lorimar really sucked with taking care of their shows didn't they?

    I always thought the theme had a jazz feel rather than funk...

    EDIT: I just noticed the part where Justin wrote "The funky arrangement of the theme music, only used for the pilot." My bad.

     Posted:   Aug 29, 2024 - 11:39 AM   
     By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

    More "Kaz" Tuesday and Thursday.

     Posted:   Sep 3, 2024 - 7:41 AM   
     By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

    Continuing SEASON 1:

    "A Little Shuck And A Whole Lotta Jive" (1.1)

  • 8:05 in.
  • 10:19 in.
  • 12:41 in. Short jazz music piece being played at a cub.^
  • 26:43 in.^
  • 32:01 in. Short bumper cue.^
  • 35:43 in.
  • 37:01/38:04 in.^
  • 50:00 in.^

    0:00 in: the replacement theme arrangement. Pretty much identical, but missing the funky elements.

    Special note to the funky music for the commercial playing at about 11:30 in.

     Posted:   Sep 5, 2024 - 7:31 AM   
     By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

    Continuing SEASON 1:

    "Verdict In Department 12" (1.2)
    Alternative link:

    Bizarre rough load of the pilot that looks like it is taken from a rough cut 16mm, where aside from the opening closing theme, there is no score and the sound FX aren't finished.

     Posted:   Sep 9, 2024 - 8:14 AM   
     By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

    Continuing SEASON 1:

    "A Case of Class"
    Alternative link:

  • 4:30 in.^
  • 11:57 in. Funky source music, followed by jazz club jazz music.^
  • 27:10 in. Short sad theme arrangement outtro. And the jazz club jazz piece after the commercial break (simply drum kit).^(second)
  • 28:46 in.
  • 37:07 in.
  • 46:33 in.^

    At so e point after this episode, the end credits was slightly re-done. Wouldn't really readily notice the differences unless you compared them or noticed I mentioned it.

    Out-of-context quote...
    Kaz: "Sam, that's making it a little tight for me..."


    "The Slow Man" (1.4)

     Posted:   Sep 11, 2024 - 7:25 AM   
     By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

    Continuing SEASON 1:

    "No Way to Treat a Lady"
    Alternative link:

  • 5:11/5:52 in.^
  • 8:13 in.
  • 11:55 in.
  • 13:15 in. Moderately whimsical cue. And the cue after the commercial break.^
  • 19:24 in.^
  • 25:52 in.^
  • 32:37 in.^
  • 37:50 in.^
  • 39:37 in. Jazz club jazz music.^
  • 46:18 in.
  • 47:35 in.^

    (Note to Me: 27:39)

     Posted:   Sep 16, 2024 - 8:02 AM   
     By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

    Continuing SEASON 1:

    "Who's on First ... and Sixth?" (1.6)
    Alternative link:

  • 22:57 in.
  • 42:51 in.^

    There's almost no scoring in the episode, and that's also counting source cues I didn't cite.

    42:23 in: worst Burger King commercial jingle ever?

    (Note to Me: 53:20 / good quality load for screen grab of composer credit)

     Posted:   Sep 18, 2024 - 7:35 AM   
     By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

    Continuing SEASON 1:

    "Which Side Are You On?"
    Alternative link:

  • 1:16 in.^
  • 5:53 in.
  • 9:04 in.^
  • 18:15 in.^
  • 24:51 in.^
  • 28:03 in.
  • 40:04 in.
  • 43:35/45:35 in.^
  • 46:40 in.^

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