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 Posted:   Sep 3, 2024 - 7:57 AM   
 By:   Hurdy Gurdy   (Member)

There was a spell, during the 90s and into the 2000s, wherein Scottish film composer Patrick Doyle took his talents across the Channel and wrote some mighty fine scores for French language films.
Beginning with INDOCHINE in 1992, he went on to score UNE FEMME FRANCAISE in 1995, EST/OUEST (1999), NOUVELLE FRANCE (2004), MAN TO MAN (2005), PARS VITE ET REVIENS TARD (2007) and LA LIGNE DROITE (2010).
The majority of them were through working with Regis Wargnier.
I have all of them on CD except PARS VITE ET REVIENS TARD, which I have sampled on YouTube but never pulled the trigger on buying.
They are all of a very high quality (as is pretty much everything I've heard by this wonderful composer) and he really seemed to excel working with Wargnier.
Picking a favourite myself, I'd have to go with EST/OUEST or NOUVELLE FRANCE. The latter especially is breathtakingly powerful and emotional.
Any other fans of Doyle and his work in France in particular?

 Posted:   Sep 3, 2024 - 8:42 AM   
 By:   Thor   (Member)

Yes, great stuff all around. There's a kind of wistful sweep to his "French" music that isn't heard all that often in his British or US work. My favourite is probably EAST/OUEST. Piano solos by Emmanuel Ax! That's star power right there.

 Posted:   Sep 3, 2024 - 3:14 PM   
 By:   DoghouseReilly   (Member)

I haven't heard Doyle's French work, but I'll check him out. I enjoy his collaborations with Branagh, especially his Bernard-Herrmann-on-too-much-coffee score for DEAD AGAIN.

 Posted:   Sep 3, 2024 - 5:11 PM   
 By:   EdG   (Member)

INDOCHINE is a favorite of mine: big, sweeping orchestrations and asian-influenced themes. A Varese release I'd like to see expanded.

 Posted:   Sep 3, 2024 - 10:04 PM   
 By:   barryfan   (Member)

There was a spell, during the 90s and into the 2000s, wherein Scottish film composer Patrick Doyle took his talents across the Channel and wrote some mighty fine scores for French language films.
Beginning with INDOCHINE in 1992, he went on to score UNE FEMME FRANCAISE in 1995, EST/OUEST (1999), NOUVELLE FRANCE (2004), MAN TO MAN (2005), PARS VITE ET REVIENS TARD (2007) and LA LIGNE DROITE (2010).
The majority of them were through working with Regis Wargnier.
I have all of them on CD except PARS VITE ET REVIENS TARD, which I have sampled on YouTube but never pulled the trigger on buying.
They are all of a very high quality (as is pretty much everything I've heard by this wonderful composer) and he really seemed to excel working with Wargnier.
Picking a favourite myself, I'd have to go with EST/OUEST or NOUVELLE FRANCE. The latter especially is breathtakingly powerful and emotional.
Any other fans of Doyle and his work in France in particular?

Like you, I think these are great and I own all but Paris Vite. I consider Nouvelle France to be the best of the lot.

 Posted:   Sep 4, 2024 - 2:10 AM   
 By:   jamesluckard   (Member)

Like you, I think these are great and I own all but Paris Vite. I consider Nouvelle France to be the best of the lot.

Technically, I believe NOUVELLE FRANCE is a Canadian film, though I think it had some French financing. smile Great score. It's also wild that it has a Celine Dion song, which Doyle wrote the music for. Very few people seem to know about that one, I think. smile

I agree, PARS VITE ET REVIENS TARD is the weakest of his French scores. It's not terribly thematic, it's mostly backgroundy mood music. I think I only listened to it twice. The movie is a strange mishmash of genres, based on a popular French potboiler novel. I think they were going for a CRIMSON RIVERS vibe with the movie (part police procedural thriller, part philosophical examination) but the movie didn't really work for me, though I love many of Wargnier's other films.

 Posted:   Sep 4, 2024 - 2:12 AM   
 By:   jamesluckard   (Member)

Yes, great stuff all around. There's a kind of wistful sweep to his "French" music that isn't heard all that often in his British or US work. My favourite is probably EAST/OUEST. Piano solos by Emmanuel Ax! That's star power right there.

EST/OUEST is stunning, one of Doyle's best scores ever. The film is also amazing!

INDOCHINE is also a breathtaking score. It's among his earliest, but his entire style is there, fully formed, it's amazing.

Both are filled with multiple lush, hummable, emotionally powerful themes.

 Posted:   Sep 4, 2024 - 3:17 AM   
 By:   Prince Damian   (Member)

They all certainly have a bit of class about them, something quite rare.
Regarding Indochine, I've always had a soft spot for tracks like- le bateau en feu, le coup de tonnerre and naissance et revolution. Strong stuff.

 Posted:   Sep 4, 2024 - 4:37 AM   
 By:   Thor   (Member)

Technically, I believe NOUVELLE FRANCE is a Canadian film, though I think it had some French financing. smile Great score. It's also wild that it has a Celine Dion song, which Doyle wrote the music for. Very few people seem to know about that one, I think. smile

Perhaps. I had known about the TITLE forever, but only actually acquired it some 5-6 years ago. Beautiful score, and it's a shame I got to it so late.

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