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 Posted:   Oct 1, 2024 - 8:51 AM   
 By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)


TV series from 1972 that lasted one season but had problems with ratings and during the run completely changed the name and general format, becoming "Circle of Fear".

Some episodes are by Goldenberg, some are by Prince, some are credited to both of them.

The first and second theme music is by Billy Goldenberg (not heard on the pilot).
The first season theme sounds like a mis-fire: cheesy sound effects and what sounds like and under-developed and short theme.
The second season theme is strikingly different, with a steady drive, more brass heavy with a mire dramatic edge. It is also not used in full and fades out, so an official release would present for the first time the full theme. Assuming the opening theme is not just the same as the end credits, which has an end.

"The New House" (1.0) (the pilot)
By: ?????

I can't find a load with the end credits. Believe me, I looked and looked.

  • 4:21 in.^
  • 6:16 in.^
  • 7:00 in.^
  • 8:42 in.^
  • 15:09 in.^
  • 18:17 in.^
  • 22:47 in.^
  • 24:45 in.^
  • 27:29 in. The rock source music.^
  • 28:14 in.^
  • 29:59 in.^
  • 32:43 in.
  • 42:11 in.^

    I'd say this was probably a solo effort by Goldenberg.

    The evil laughing statute could be Vice President and then run for President.

     Posted:   Oct 2, 2024 - 7:35 AM   
     By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

    Continuing SEASON 1:

    "The Dead We Leave Behind"
    By: Billy Goldenberg

  • 2:46 in.^
  • 8:05 in.^
  • 11:21 in. This sounds more like a Prince contribution, though he's not credited.^
  • 34:21 in.
  • 45:44 in.
  • 48:59 in.

     Posted:   Oct 3, 2024 - 8:02 AM   
     By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

    Continuing SEASON 1:

    "The Concrete Captain"
    By: Robert Prince

  • 25:52 in.
  • 41:18 in. Cue just goes on and on and on, over eight minutes long.

    Barely serviceable and bland score full of cliched writing for such a series that sounds and feel uninspired.

    Richard Donner directs.

     Posted:   Oct 4, 2024 - 7:32 AM   
     By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

    Continuing SEASON 1:

    "At the Cradle Foot"
    By: Robert Prince

  • 2:10 in.^
  • 6:10 in.^
  • 12:20 in.^
  • 14:09 in.^
  • 23:13 in.^
  • 28:45 in.^
  • 30:18 in.
  • 42:21 in.^

    Now for this episode, Prince was somehow inspired. Episode is really boring, slow moving, and quite frankly kind of terrible, but somehow he got inspiration.

    (Note to Me: 12:00, 49:21)

     Posted:   Oct 7, 2024 - 7:57 AM   
     By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

    Continuing SEASON 1:

    "Bad Connection"
    By: Billy Goldenberg and Robert Prince
    Alternative link:

  • 31:03 in.^

    "The Summer House"
    By: Billy Goldenberg and Robert Prince

  • 2:46 in.^
  • 6:00 in.^
  • 11:17 in.^
  • 22:34 in.^
  • 25:58 in.^
  • 29:37 in.^
  • 48:38 in.^

     Posted:   Oct 8, 2024 - 7:32 AM   
     By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

    Continuing SEASON 1:

    By: Robert Prince

    This is the final solo effort for the series by Prince.

  • 10:24 in.^
  • 15:41 in.^
  • 22:06 in.^
  • 27:35 in.^
  • 29:41 in.^
  • 31:16 in.^
  • 42:41 in.^

    This is the first decent episode of the series, though it could still use some trimming.

     Posted:   Oct 9, 2024 - 7:33 AM   
     By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

    Continuing SEASON 1:

    "Half a Death"
    By: Billy Goldenberg and Robert Prince (incomplete, poor sound)

  • 743 in.^
  • 24:31 in.^
  • 39:29 in. I'd say this is certainly a cue by Goldenberg.^
  • 48:15 in.^


    Out-of-context quote exchange...
    "You did give it to her, mother."
    "I did, darling."

     Posted:   Oct 10, 2024 - 7:28 AM   
     By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

    Continuing SEASON 1:

    "House of Evil"
    By: Billy Goldenberg

  • 4:18 in.^
  • 7:15 in.^
  • 9:17 in.
  • 11:50 in.^
  • 18:37 in.^
  • 21:08 in.^
  • 24:07 in.^
  • 30:54 in.^
  • 39:08 in.
  • 40:55 in.^
  • 42:29 in.^

    Off kilter piano lead score with echoplex effects on the piano. I think this score should have at least gotten an Emmy nomination.

     Posted:   Oct 11, 2024 - 7:43 AM   
     By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

    Continuing SEASON 1:

    "Cry of the Cat"
    By: Billy Goldenberg and Robert Prince

  • 12:17 in.^
  • 18:08 in.^
  • 35:46 in.
  • 46:01 in.^

    On a set of scoring, I'd probably only take the first two cues. Some cues just go on and on and on for several minutes, just meandering and really offering little.

    Boring, went on way too long.

    I swear she said "She-cat" like there is such a thing as a monster cat, so I went and looked around to try and find out what a she-cat is. Didn't come up with much. A female cat that's been cut can be called a she-cat (really seems like a stupid name, but there you go) and it turns out there is a Batman comic book character I have not heard before: She-Cat. Yes, a Catwoman rip-off who is a competitor/annoyance to Catwoman.

     Posted:   Oct 15, 2024 - 8:04 AM   
     By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

    Continuing SEASON 1:

    "Elegy for a Vampire"
    By: Billy Goldenberg and Robert Prince

  • 14:40 in.^
  • 15:24 in.^
  • 22:31 in.^
  • 29:53 in.
  • 36:08 in.^
  • 40:53 in.^

    Good lord, it's sssooooo booorrriiinnnggg and needlessly slooowww.

    (NtM: 8:48, 22:25)

    "Touch of Madness"
    By: Billy Goldenberg and Robert Prince

  • 2:00 in.^(3:41)
  • 7:57/11:41 in.^
  • 25:48 in.
  • 38:25 in.^

    This episode barely has anything to it, yet they dragged it out for an hour. Half an hour and re-done, it could have worked on a show like "Night Gallery", but here's its a chore.

    (NtM: 33:00)

     Posted:   Oct 15, 2024 - 8:26 AM   
     By:   haineshisway   (Member)

    The next episode, Time of Terror is key for several reasons. The last show that aired under the Ghost Story title - next show was the Circle of Fear title. Patricia Neal's first appearance after recovering from her bad stroke. Directed by Brit Robert Day and written by Brit Jimmy Sangster - both did very well known films. There's one more fascinating tidbit regarding the episode. What is it?

     Posted:   Oct 15, 2024 - 8:40 AM   
     By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

    "Time of Terror" isn't the next episode and there are still two more that air under "Ghost Story". "Death's Head" changes show names.

    I do know the additional thing you asked, but I'll leave that to others to state. Though I think you missed one: a completely new theme music opening.

     Posted:   Oct 15, 2024 - 9:51 AM   
     By:   Graham Watt   (Member)

    The next episode, Time of Terror is key for several reasons. The last show that aired under the Ghost Story title - next show was the Circle of Fear title. Patricia Neal's first appearance after recovering from her bad stroke. Directed by Brit Robert Day and written by Brit Jimmy Sangster - both did very well known films. There's one more fascinating tidbit regarding the episode. What is it?

    Alice Ghostly is in it. Alice Ghostly! And Bruce Kimmel plays a bell hop again, a role made famous by him - but which led to typecasting. This was what allegedly caused Mr Kimmel to abandon the business and set up, under an arch at the train station, a second hand LP and keychain stall.

     Posted:   Oct 16, 2024 - 7:39 AM   
     By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

    Continuing SEASON 1:

    "Creatures of the Canyon"
    By: Billy Goldenberg and Robert Prince

  • 5:57 in.^
  • 9:25 in.
  • 11:18 in.^
  • 14:37 in.^
  • 25:28 in.^
  • 29:21 in.
  • 31:19 in.^
  • 34:09 in.^
  • 37:07 in.^
  • 39:43 in.^
  • 44:49 in.^
  • 46:59 in.^

    Boring, long, squeak fart ending.

    That dog jumping up on the door and terrifying police woman, reminded me of a joke the late comedian Norm MacDonald told, where he sass he wanted to get a dog and name it Syndrome, that way when it jumps on him, he can yell, "Down Syndrome!".

     Posted:   Oct 17, 2024 - 1:58 AM   
     By:   haineshisway   (Member)

    "Time of Terror" isn't the next episode and there are still two more that air under "Ghost Story". "Death's Head" changes show names.

    I do know the additional thing you asked, but I'll leave that to others to state. Though I think you missed one: a completely new theme music opening.

    I'm not an expert, but it IS the next episode listed in the Wikipedia article - whether that's accurate or not I know not. EDIT: Oops, it was Creatures of the Canyon - I misread it. Then Time of Terror, then the name change with Death's Head.

     Posted:   Oct 17, 2024 - 2:05 AM   
     By:   haineshisway   (Member)

    The next episode, Time of Terror is key for several reasons. The last show that aired under the Ghost Story title - next show was the Circle of Fear title. Patricia Neal's first appearance after recovering from her bad stroke. Directed by Brit Robert Day and written by Brit Jimmy Sangster - both did very well known films. There's one more fascinating tidbit regarding the episode. What is it?

    Alice Ghostly is in it. Alice Ghostly! And Bruce Kimmel plays a bell hop again, a role made famous by him - but which led to typecasting. This was what allegedly caused Mr Kimmel to abandon the business and set up, under an arch at the train station, a second hand LP and keychain stall.

    smile When they asked me to do the show, I told my agent I didn't want to do such a nothing role - I'd been doing sizable roles prior to it and I thought I shouldn't go backwards. Then he said two magic words - Patricia Neal - and nothing could have kept me away from there. She was still struggling a bit with her speech and she was hyper nervous - I sat with her in her dressing room and ran our lines and she was the most wonderful person. Craig Stevens is also in the episode. This would happen again in the later 70s, when I got offered a one-scene role in the sequel to Rich Man, Poor Man, which was Beggar Man, Thief. I'd worked with the director before and he wanted someone who could lighten up an overly dramatic scene. I told my agent and manager absolutely not - I was much further along by then and simply wasn't doing that sort of thing. Then they said the two magic words - Jean Simmons. I was there like a shot and boy did we have fun. She could not keep a straight face with me and again I was called to her dressing trailer to run lines - we just laughed ourselves silly. I really was blessed to work with some amazing people like that.

    I didn't realize until I just looked at the complete cast list for the show on the imdb that I acted with three of the guest stars (besides Pat) and would go on to direct two of them much later. Memories.

     Posted:   Oct 17, 2024 - 7:42 AM   
     By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

    Continuing SEASON 1:

    "Time of Terror"
    By: Billy Goldenberg and Robert Prince

  • 6:46 in.^
  • 16:15 in.
  • 17:54 in. Including a water chime.^
  • 21:02 in. I think some score from "At the Cradle Foot is tracked into this.^
  • 25:55 in.^
  • 37:31 in.^
  • 43:56 in.
  • 49:07 in.^

    Unfortunately, this episode was super obvious. Needs some trimming, could have been done a little differently.

     Posted:   Oct 18, 2024 - 7:29 AM   
     By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

    Continuing SEASON 1:

    "Death's Head"
    By: Billy Goldenberg and Robert Prince

  • 2:10 in. I'd say this cue is by Goldenberg, based on the rising/falling xylohone technique he used on other scoring projects, that is hear here (only the rising part this time).^
  • 8:35 in. I'd also say this one is Goldenberg.^
  • 17:28 in.
  • 22:59 in.
  • 25:34 in.^
  • 27:27 in.^
  • 28:52 in.^
  • 32:11 in.^
  • 35:55 in.
  • 38:54 in.^
  • 42:53 in.^
  • 46:30 in.^

    And with this episode the series becomes "Circle of Fear", including new theme music as previously mentioned.
    The host and host sequences have been dropped entirely.
    Unfortunately, this didn't come with a revamp of the writing, as this is the same old slog and boring offer as under the previous title.

    Man, this episode is chuck full of mediocre acting.

    Let's ask the insects: Do you feel like you are being zapped out of existence or do you feel like you are being beautified and preserved?
    Insect: "I'm dead either way, you bastards."

    Spices! Herbs! Unusual things! Murder bugs! Come take a look. You ma'am, you look like you want to murder your husband.

     Posted:   Oct 21, 2024 - 7:37 AM   
     By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

    Continuing SEASON 1:

    "Dark Vengeance"
    By: Billy Goldenberg

    This is the final solo effort for the series by Goldenberg.

  • 0:32 in.^
  • 7:18 in.^
  • 9:24 in.^
  • 17:29 in.^
  • 22:16 in.^
  • 25:20 in.^
  • 27:30 in.^
  • 28:59 in.^
  • 31:44 in.^
  • 34:18 in.^
  • 38:47 in.^
  • 41:30 in.^
  • 48:47 in.^

    Good lord, this thing is to long, overblown, and makes no sense when you think about it (for example: if the horse in small size can break away and destroy a vice press, why can't it just do that to her instead of waiting to be large?). Also, it's really really really stupid. I can understand why this show was cancelled -- I think episode after episode people felt like they had wasted an hour of their lives with no real payoff.

     Posted:   Oct 22, 2024 - 7:54 AM   
     By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

    Continuing SEASON 1:

    "Earth, Air, Fire and Water"
    By: Billy Goldenberg and Robert Prince

  • 0:27 in.^
  • 2:09 in.^
  • 3:16 in.^
  • 5:39 in. The good part starts at 6:13.^
  • 10:06 in.^
  • 13:25 in. And the cue after the commercial break.^(second)
  • 24:49 in. Why does the light switch have to have an electronic fart sound...^
  • 30:38 in.
  • 36:30 in.^
  • 40:55 in.^
  • 43:49 in.^

    Lord, another overly-long boring episode.

    Tyne Daly also guest stars.

    I'd swear that painting was in the gallery of "Night Gallery"...

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