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 Posted:   Dec 6, 2024 - 5:00 AM   
 By:   Adam.   (Member)

Merry Christmas Everyone,

It's time for my 15th Christmas season CD soundtrack giveaway. Welcome!

This year I am offering the STAR TREK TOS 1701 COLLECTION pictured below. (La-La Land Records)

There will be two (2) winners. Both winners will receive all seven volumes as a complete set.

Note: I am NOT offering individual volumes as prizes. The winners of this event will receive all seven volumes.


If you would like to participate for a chance to win one of the prize collections (all seven volumes) please leave a post on this thread and answer the following two questions...

1) Which episode from The Original Series is your favorite and why? (give as much detail as you like)

2) If you could own any prop from The Original Series which would it be?

Your answers will not affect your chance of winning. They simply serve as your entry into my contest and may make for some interesting reading for all who participate.


  • Please do not post YouTube videos.
  • Please do not copy my original post on your post as that will clutter up this thread. Thanks.
  • To participate you must have been a member of this forum for at least 30 days.
  • Worldwide delivery. All eligible members may join in even if you have won a prize in one of my previous events.


    I will accept entries until 7pm EST on Monday, December 9th. I will print the names of each participant on a slip of paper and put them into a steel mixing bowl and draw the two winners at random. The winning names will be posted on this thread by 9pm EST that evening.


    I'll look forward to reading the responses. Enjoy yourselves and Merry Christmas to all!


    01) iankemsley
    02) ryanpaquet
    03) Josh
    04) MotoMan
    05) kindacute
    06) Justin Boggan
    07) Kevin Costigan
    08) MichaelM
    09) barryfan
    10) Baz
    11) Starkstark
    12) Micki Moreau
    13) darthflintstone
    14) rfkavanagh
    15) Broughtfan
    16) losher22.................................................................WINNER!
    17) funkymonkeyjavajunky
    18) BrenKel
    19) rich.sherril
    20) Hitch22
    21) Mark
    22) jedizim
    23) Ado
    24) Nicolai P. Zwar
    25) Spence..................................................................WINNER!
    26) Juanki
    27) dannyboy121070
    28) Bishop
    29) soundtrackcollector
    30) Jeyl
    31) erepel
    32) orion_mk3
    33) Morricone
    34) edwzoomom
    35) DavidCoscina
    36) Jvirant
    37) richsto
    38) clint1976
    39) Soundtrack Fanatic
    40) paulhickling
    41) EasternFinn
    42) dbrooks
    43) amfedec
    44) checker
    45) dragon53
    46) juangiko
    47) Cacs
    48) mikecee81
    49) Mr. Jack
    50) sandor
    51) Hero
    52) Big X
    53) Advise & Consent

     Posted:   Dec 6, 2024 - 5:18 AM   
     By:   Scotty Boy   (Member)

    Happy Holidays, Adam! As always, your generosity is an inspiration. As I am one of the biggest Trek nerds in the world, I already have all of these (and the original box set and just about every other release from all of the various labels out there), so I will bow out this year. Good luck to everyone who enters. LLAP

     Posted:   Dec 6, 2024 - 5:20 AM   
     By:   iankemsley   (Member)

    I cannot resist joining this thread because I just wanted to answer the questions!

    My favourite episode has stuck in my head from the day I saw it, no idea what it's called - the one where an alien humanoid with one side of his face black and the other white is chased onto the Enterprise by another humanoid with one side of his face white and the other black (reversed) - it seemed to encapsulate the absurdity of racism so simply and effectively in a way that only sci-fi can.

    And I would want a communicator - I so enjoyed those flip mobile phones that replicated them.

    Many thanks Adam.


     Posted:   Dec 6, 2024 - 5:28 AM   
     By:   Ny   (Member)

    Wow, that's a nice prize.
    I won't participate this time, as others are sure to appreciate it more than me, but I am keen to read the answers, to get a fun picture of the series, which I never really leaned into myself. I did partake now and then of TNG, but again, not sure I could name a fav episode. Good luck to everyone, and Merry Christmas.

     Posted:   Dec 6, 2024 - 5:41 AM   
     By:   ryanpaquet   (Member)

    Hey Adam, thanks for running another contest - I missed out on the the box, and don't own any of these volumes!

    1) Which episode from The Original Series is your favorite and why?

    The City on the Edge of Forever has to be my favorite. Time Travel, Love Story, Tragic Ending, timeless classic.

    2) If you could own any prop from The Original Series which would it be?

    I'd love to have a the Gorn Costume. Such an iconic piece, and I'd imagine it'd be fun to display or even wear....if I could fit into it...

     Posted:   Dec 6, 2024 - 5:46 AM   
     By:   Thor   (Member)

    Super generous as always, that Adam. This is not for me, so I leave it for others to participate, but you already gave me the soundtrack gift of the year with that SUGARLAND EXPRESS, Adam, and I wanted to use the opportunity to thank you and Hedji for that once more.

     Posted:   Dec 6, 2024 - 6:26 AM   
     By:   Adam.   (Member)

    .....SUGARLAND EXPRESS...and I wanted to use the opportunity to thank you and Hedji for that once more.

    You are most welcome. Consider it an early Christmas gift. smile

     Posted:   Dec 6, 2024 - 6:40 AM   
     By:   JB Fan   (Member)

    Sadly I'll pass this year.
    First of all I have original 15CD set.
    And second - due huge amount of CD, I would pay additional taxes (if I win of course, but not with my luck even if I take part).
    But good luck for everyone!

     Posted:   Dec 6, 2024 - 6:47 AM   
     By:   Josh   (Member)

    1) The Trouble with Tribbles, because those little fellas are adorable and remind me of one of my favorite '80s sci-fi/horror movies, Critters.

    2) A tribble big grin

    Thanks for the opportunity, Adam!

     Posted:   Dec 6, 2024 - 7:05 AM   
     By:   MotoMan   (Member)

    Hi Adam,

    Wow what a generous thing to do for the members of the FSM forum. I am fairly new here although a long time soundtrack and film score music listener and admirer. I have recently completed my Star Trek movie OST collection by adding the last 3 by Michael Giacchino. Now I have all 13 Star Trek movies OST soundtracks and most of the expanded versions as well. I thoroughly enjoy them all although some more than others.

    To be honest I am not very familiar with the the Star Trek Original series television shows or music. Although I am interested in hearing these seven volumes. I don’t own any at the moment so I thought may as well participate.

    Unfortunately I don’t have an answer for either question number 1 or 2 as I only saw the series as a young child and don’t really remember any particular episodes or any particular props although I do remember enjoying the music. Hopefully my honesty is enough for me to qualify for the draw.

     Posted:   Dec 6, 2024 - 7:26 AM   
     By:   Adam.   (Member)

    Hopefully my honesty is enough for me to qualify for the draw.


    I'm in the giving mood so I'll allow it. smile

     Posted:   Dec 6, 2024 - 7:30 AM   
     By:   First Breath   (Member)

    Great news for those interested!

     Posted:   Dec 6, 2024 - 7:32 AM   
     By:   kindacute   (Member)

    Hi, Adam, thanks for the opportunity as always.

    One of my favorite episodes, because the full and right answer would be "all of them", is "Where No Man Has Gone Before". Certainly the image of Mitchell with the golden eyes is really something, along with the descent into madness (and self-destruction) along with the rise into "godness" that rings so close to Stan Lee-era comics.

    And if I could own a prop, it would be, given a big enough yard, of course, the Enterprise. For a smaller prop I couldn't decide between the phaser or the Tricorder.

    Thank you again and "Cristimas giveaway contest is ENGAGED" this year indeed.

     Posted:   Dec 6, 2024 - 7:35 AM   
     By:   Justin Boggan   (Member)

    I don't guess I particularly have a favorite stand out episode of TOS, but I've always had a thing for certain episodes, and one of them is "The Doomsday Machine". The driving motif for the machine itself, the drama and tension building.

    As for props, I mean, I like the props in the show, but would I want to own any of them in real life? I'm not sure. Maybe if I were younger and could fit into a slim gold uniform, maybe -- for Halloween. But I might be cool to have one of those old bulb-lite blinkers that are under the viewscreen, like say, under the TV. But the speakers would have to make that sound though, quietly as background noise.

     Posted:   Dec 6, 2024 - 7:47 AM   
     By:   Kevin Costigan   (Member)

    My God, what a gift you are offering this year!

    My fav episodes
    The Enemy Within " I wanna LIVE!"
    All the Mudd episodes. Perhaps "Mudd's Women" is my fav of the lot.
    "Who Mourns for Adonais" is another.

    So many to enjoy.

    As for Props:
    I'd love one of the Enterprise Models. (Wouldn't we all?)

     Posted:   Dec 6, 2024 - 7:48 AM   
     By:   MichaelM   (Member)

    Super generous offer!

    My favorite episode is AMOK TIME for its introduction of Vulcan and its culture, the iconic fight scene (and music) and one of my favorite Spock lines: "You may find that having is not so pleasing a thing after all as wanting."

    My favorite prop to own would be the Lirpa blade they use in the fight.

     Posted:   Dec 6, 2024 - 7:54 AM   
     By:   barryfan   (Member)

    1. The Trouble with Tribbles

    2. A tribble

     Posted:   Dec 6, 2024 - 8:18 AM   
     By:   Solium   (Member)

    The return of Adam Claus. Awesome giveaway as always. I purchased this entire set so won't be partaking but good luck to those who do.

     Posted:   Dec 6, 2024 - 9:54 AM   
     By:   Baz   (Member)

    Hi Adam.
    Extremely generous of you. Please include me.
    My favourite episode has always been Assignment Earth. The contrast between the future and the past, has always pleased me, also with the wonder of a spin off series that never happened.
    As to a prop, that 3D chess board set would be great...

    Thank you!

     Posted:   Dec 6, 2024 - 11:50 AM   
     By:   Starkstark   (Member)

    Oh cool, I'll enter myself, thanks!
    1) I haven't seen the entire show, but the tribble episode is timelessly fun. I'm also fond of the episode with the guy gaining out-of-control power (I believe the second pilot?)
    2) A model Enterprise would be very cool, does that count as a prop?

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