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 Posted:   Jan 29, 2025 - 12:52 PM   
 By:   trevan323   (Member)

What are your top five and bottom five Bond scores?

My top five:
1. On Her Majesty's Secret Service
2. The Living Daylights
3. You Only Live Twice
4. Goldfinger
5. Casino Royale (Daniel Craig version)

My bottom five:
5. Doctor No (I don't care what the court says, John Barry wrote the James Bond theme!)
4. Goldeneye
3. Die Another Day title song (ugh! Score is good)
2. The Spy Who Loved Me (original soundtrack)
and the absolute worst Bond score
Never Say Never Again!

 Posted:   Jan 29, 2025 - 1:13 PM   
 By:   WhoDat   (Member)

Top Five:
• Goldfinger
• Tomorrow Never Dies
• On Her Majesty's Secret Service
• Moonraker
• Casino Royale (2006)

Bottom Five:
• Goldeneye
• The Spy Who Loved Me
• Dr No
• For Your Eyes Only
• Spectre

Honorable Mention for worst score goes to Never Say Never Again, which isn't EON -- If you can't use the Bond theme, it's not really a Bond score.

 Posted:   Jan 29, 2025 - 1:27 PM   
 By:   MikeyKW   (Member)

Mine would be (in no particular order):

Top 5: OHMSS, Tomorrow Never Dies, Live and Let Die, Goldfinger, Licence to Kill
Bottom 5: Dr. No, Goldeneye, Quantum of Solace, SPECTRE, The Spy Who Loved Me

I've excluded NSNA as it's not a real Bond film.

 Posted:   Jan 29, 2025 - 2:25 PM   
 By:   henry   (Member)

Top 5

Bottom 5, I can only name two
My least favorite is between DR. NO and GOLDENEYE

 Posted:   Jan 29, 2025 - 2:35 PM   
 By:   Polonius67   (Member)

Top five:


Bottom five:

2. DR. NO

- Sune

 Posted:   Jan 29, 2025 - 2:42 PM   
 By:   ShadowStar   (Member)

I for one am very much hoping for a Goldeneye anniversary release, despite its apparent unpopularity.

 Posted:   Jan 29, 2025 - 2:44 PM   
 By:   Advise & Consent   (Member)

The popularity of Casino Royale is is somewhat baffling. I can hardly restrain a yawn just thinking about it. What did I miss.

 Posted:   Jan 29, 2025 - 2:45 PM   
 By:   henry   (Member)

I for one am very much hoping for a Goldeneye anniversary release, despite its apparent unpopularity.

I’ll buy it if it’s released, but if it’s not released I’m fine with it.

 Posted:   Jan 29, 2025 - 2:49 PM   
 By:   BasilDowl   (Member)

Top 5...

1. The Living Daylights
2. From Russia With Love
3. On Her Majesty's Secret Service
4. Thunderball
5. Moonraker

Worst 5...

1. Skyfall
2. Spectre
3. Die Another Day
4. Casino Royale
5. No Time To Die

To be fair, after Dr No, I think every score is great from 1963 to 1999. I like them all, more or less, and for different reasons. I think the weakest in that run is The Spy Who Loved Me, I don't think Hamlisch got it.

Everything after The World is Not Enough is dreadful swill.

 Posted:   Jan 29, 2025 - 2:50 PM   
 By:   alan witt   (Member)

Not to throw a spanner in the works, but what Bond score grew on you the most? When I saw 'For your eyes only' in 1981. I thought it was a dreadful cheesey score. Though these days I really rather like it. It has grown on me and like a fine wine aged rather well.

 Posted:   Jan 29, 2025 - 2:53 PM   
 By:   BasilDowl   (Member)

Not to throw a spanner in the works, but what Bond score grew on you the most? When I saw 'For your eyes only' in 1981. I thought it was a dreadful cheesey score. Though these days I really rather like it. It has grown on me and like a fine wine aged rather well.

Definitely Licence to Kill. Didn't like the Kamen 80's actioner sound, growing up it was like watching Die Hard, but I soon came round from that thinking. It's superb!

 Posted:   Jan 29, 2025 - 3:10 PM   
 By:   alan witt   (Member)

Though to answer the thread question.
Favourite Bond score
1) Moonraker
2) Live and Let Die
3) On Her Majesty's Secret Service
4) Octopussy
5) Tomorrow Never Dies.
With very honourable mentions to Goldfinger and Diamonds are forever.

Least favourite
1) No time to Die
2) Quantum of Solace
3) Goldeneye
4) Die Another Day
5) Spectre
Although 3, 4, and 5 all have at least one track that I love.

 Posted:   Jan 29, 2025 - 3:13 PM   
 By:   villagardens553   (Member)

I'm glad that thus far there have not been any Barry scores in the bottom five.

 Posted:   Jan 29, 2025 - 4:14 PM   
 By:   Bill in Portland Maine   (Member)

Yikes. Tough assignment. But since you asked...

In reverse order, to heighten the suspense:

Bottom 5
5. License to Kill
4. No Time to Die
3. The World is Not Enough
2. Thunderball
1. Quantum of Solace

In the past I would've included Goldeneye on my worst list. But recently I started watching the movie (because I had no memory of any of it, except a tank chase) just to watch the opening scene and ended up watching the whole thing, enjoying it a lot. The score isn't memorable, but not the disaster I thought I remembered it was was the first time around. (This is not to imply, BTW, that the above scores are disasters.)

None of the recent scores have impressed me with the exception of Casino Royale.

Top 5
5. Live and Let Die
4. Goldfinger
3. The Spy Who Loved Me
2. For Your Eyes Only

And #1 on Billy's Countdown:

1. The Man with the Golden Gun

This was the first Bond film I ever saw. I was 11 at the time and living in Dusseldorf, then-West Germany---the "British sector." I went with some classmates from our American-International school one evening to the Globe Movie Theatre, which I think was run by the military. Before the movie (or any movie there) started, we had to stand while they played "God Save the Queen" as they showed footage of Elizabeth II riding on her horse. Then the movie started and I was instantly riveted. Everything the Bond films are known for---the gadgets, the briefings, the villains, the stunts, the locales, the crisp banter---wowed me. And John Barry's music---slide whistle and all---imprinted itself on my brain instantly and permanently. The chase music, the lush love theme, and his treatment of the Bond theme are superb to these ears.

I never warmed up much to Barry's film music in general, but this score will always be a jewel in my collection, not just because it's an excellent score that fits the action perfectly, but also because it's from the Bond flick that introduced me to the franchise.

P.S. The La-La Land expansion is...[French kiss].


 Posted:   Jan 29, 2025 - 4:19 PM   
 By:   BOND007   (Member)

1) For Your Eyes Only
2) Licnce To Kill
3) Spy Who Loved Me
4) Tomorrow Never Dies
5) You Only Live Twice

Least favourite
1) Goledeneye
2) Quantum of Solace
3) The Man With The Golden Gun
4) Quantum of Solace
5) Specture

Thank you.

 Posted:   Jan 29, 2025 - 5:48 PM   
 By:   dbrooks   (Member)

No one mentioned Burt Bacharach's Casino Royale? I think that might be in my Top 5.

 Posted:   Jan 29, 2025 - 5:59 PM   
 By:   lonzoe1   (Member)

1) For Your Eyes Only
2) Licnce To Kill
3) Spy Who Loved Me
4) Tomorrow Never Dies
5) You Only Live Twice

Least favourite
1) Goledeneye
2) Quantum of Solace
3) The Man With The Golden Gun
4) Quantum of Solace
5) Specture

Thank you.

You must've really disliked the Quantum Of Solace score to rank it twice in your bottom 5 Bond scores.

 Posted:   Jan 29, 2025 - 6:10 PM   
 By:   Reeve   (Member)

The Best Of The Best
1) — Thunderball
2) — Diamonds Are Forever
3) — You Only Live Twice
4) — Moonraker
5) — The Man With The Golden Gun

Honourable Mentions: — For Your Eyes Only —/— Live And Let Die —/— The Spy Who Loved me

Comment: — I find — ‘On Her Majesty’s Secret Service’ – just a tad – too repetitive; so I mix it — (in my playlists) — with other 007 John Barry scores – so that I don’t hear the 'new' Bond Theme so much… as to me; it is quite repetitive — within the context of the score; as a whole... as there are not too many variations on it... only the build up and ski chase. (The best rendition of it being the Opening Titles Of Course)… — I still can’t wait to get a proper expansion of it; though!


The Bond Scores Which I Don’t Care For — At All…
1) — Casino Royale — (You know which one!)
2) — Quantum Of Solace
3) — Skyfall
4) — Spectre
5) — No Time To Die

 Posted:   Jan 29, 2025 - 6:57 PM   
 By:   darthflintstone   (Member)

Top 5
1) Moonraker
2) The Living Daylights
3) A View To A Kill
4) Octopussy
5) Tomorrow Never Dies

Bottom 5, much more difficult to choose
1) Dr. No
2) The Spy Who Loved Me
3) No Time To Die
4) Spectre
5) The World Is Not Enough

 Posted:   Jan 29, 2025 - 7:42 PM   
 By:   trevan323   (Member)

Not to throw a spanner in the works, but what Bond score grew on you the most? When I saw 'For your eyes only' in 1981. I thought it was a dreadful cheesey score. Though these days I really rather like it. It has grown on me and like a fine wine aged rather well. I never liked The Man with the Golden Gun much until the new expanded LLL release. FYEO does sound dated, but it has nice use of the Bond theme. All of the expanded scores made me appreciate all of the scores even more.

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