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 Posted:   Sep 18, 2007 - 4:40 PM   
 By:   Morlock1   (Member)

Does this score or any portion of it appear on CD? I haven't been able to find even a single track of it on CD.

 Posted:   Sep 18, 2007 - 4:57 PM   
 By:   Bad_Penny   (Member)

Fifteen-and-a-half minutes of the score (arranged by William Stromberg, conducted by Richard Kaufman, and played by the Brandenburg Philharmonic) are on the Marco Polo Historical Romances compilation (8.223608).

The disc also features Korngold's "JUAREZ" overture, excerpts from "DEVOTION," and about thirty-five minutes from Steiner's "THE CHARGE OF THE LIGHT BRIGADE," featuring reconstructions by John Morgan.

 Posted:   Sep 18, 2007 - 4:58 PM   
 By:   .   (Member)

There's a 15-minute suite on Marco Polo's "Historical Romances" CD, along with Juarez, Charge of the Lght Brigade and Devotion.
I don't recommend the CD, but the Gunga Din suite is the best of a rather poorly performed and recorded bunch.

 Posted:   Sep 18, 2007 - 7:23 PM   
 By:   William Stromberg   (Member)

Does this score or any portion of it appear on CD? I haven't been able to find even a single track of it on CD.

I’ll be trying to talk John & Anna into doing a complete recording of this score for our Tribute label some day. It’s probably my favorite Alfred Newman score, and the suite I did years ago doesn’t even come close to presenting all of the great music in that score. My hands were tied with the amount of time on the disc I was given, so I tried to fit all of my favorite bits, but had to make a lot of cuts here and there. Also, I'd like to conduct it myself this time, obviously.

Keep your fingers crossed that Mysterious Island & Fahrenheit 451 sell well for us, so we can do things like Gunga Din.

 Posted:   Sep 18, 2007 - 8:08 PM   
 By:   manderley   (Member)

.....Also, I'd like to conduct it myself this time, obviously.....

Thank God!

A complete Stromberg-Morgan GUNGA DIN would be wonderful! Can't wait! When do you start recording? smile

The two old Newman/Darby recordings from the '50s, THE MAGIC ISLANDS and PORTS OF PARADISE are also favorites of mine in another vein.

How about, one day, considering a recording called NEWMAN IN THE TROPICS, which might include new stereo recordings of his music from MR. ROBINSON CRUSOE, THE HURRICANE, TRADE WINDS, SON OF FURY, and anything else which might fit the concept?

 Posted:   Sep 19, 2007 - 6:47 AM   
 By:   soundtrakker   (Member)

Does this score or any portion of it appear on CD? I haven't been able to find even a single track of it on CD.

The original 1939 Main Title track from GUNGA DIN was released on Rhino's 1997 COMPOSED BY: CLASSIC FILM THEMES FROM HOLLYWOOD'S MASTERS (R272847). This single track (number 4), composed and conducted by Alfred Newman, plays 1 minute 47 seconds.

A Morgan/Stromberg digital reconstruction of the entire score would certainly find its way into my iPod.

 Posted:   Sep 19, 2007 - 7:38 AM   
 By:   Niall from Ireland   (Member)

.....Also, I'd like to conduct it myself this time, obviously.....

Thank God!

A complete Stromberg-Morgan GUNGA DIN would be wonderful! Can't wait! When do you start recording? smile

The two old Newman/Darby recordings from the '50s, THE MAGIC ISLANDS and PORTS OF PARADISE are also favorites of mine in another vein.

How about, one day, considering a recording called NEWMAN IN THE TROPICS, which might include new stereo recordings of his music from MR. ROBINSON CRUSOE, THE HURRICANE, TRADE WINDS, SON OF FURY, and anything else which might fit the concept?

I really like Ports Of Paradise too, especially the vocals by Mavis Rivers. What a lovely gatefold LP. I've never been able to find The Magic Islands, I hope that gets reissued on CD sometime.

 Posted:   Sep 19, 2007 - 9:59 AM   
 By:   John Morgan   (Member)

Craig Spaulding (Screen Archives) has four more of our Marco Polo CDs up for preorder on the budget Naxos label.
Although we are no longer associated with Naxos, Bill and I are proud of our work with them and it’s good seeing them rereleased at only $8.00 a pop. Screen Archives has cover art on these and I believe that most of the liner notes, if not photos, have been retained. The CDs are:

Alfred Newman:
Beau Geste (20:10)
The Hunchback of Notre Dame (38:46)
All about Eve (4:39)


The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (Max Steiner) (60:17)
One of our best sellers, it contains a few bonus cues including Theatrical trailer, Alternate Main Title, and Alternate Finale.


House of Frankenstein (Hans Salter/Paul Dessau) (55:26)
This contains the complete score from the Universal 1944 film.


The Bette Davis Films (Max Steiner) (71:08)
Contains two extended suites from:
All This, and Heaven Too (44:51)
A Stolen Life (26:11)
Although this one was recorded in 2002, it never was released domestically.

 Posted:   Sep 19, 2007 - 11:51 AM   
 By:   Bad_Penny   (Member)

Is it available at Amazon.U.K., or Amazon.De?

 Posted:   Sep 19, 2007 - 11:53 AM   
 By:   shicorp   (Member)

Is it available at Amazon.U.K., or Amazon.De?

Yes, the budget re-issue will be available in Europe as well.
Strangely enough, one of the new Naxos Rozsa CDs has been delayed for the European market...

 Posted:   Nov 19, 2007 - 1:48 PM   
 By:   Agent Norman Newman   (Member)

I'd love to see a complete Gunga Din. big grin

 Posted:   Nov 19, 2007 - 1:53 PM   
 By:   shicorp   (Member)

Strangely enough, one of the new Naxos Rozsa CDs has been delayed for the European market...

This problem has been solved in the meantime as wellwink

 Posted:   Nov 19, 2007 - 1:57 PM   
 By:   PFK   (Member)

I too would love to see John & Bill record a complete Gunga-Din. It's one of Alfred Newman's best scores. We must all support their new label and buy all of their CDs as they come out. We all want the series to continue for a long time.

 Posted:   Nov 19, 2007 - 2:04 PM   
 By:   Daniel Shays   (Member)

I think that John and Bill have said that it's something they want to do in the future.

 Posted:   Nov 19, 2007 - 2:26 PM   
 By:   John Morgan   (Member)

I think that John and Bill have said that it's something they want to do in the future.

I think if John and Bill did everything they want to do they would have to move to Shangri-La.

 Posted:   Nov 19, 2007 - 2:46 PM   
 By:   Agent Norman Newman   (Member)

I too would love to see John & Bill record a complete Gunga-Din. It's one of Alfred Newman's best scores. We must all support their new label and buy all of their CDs as they come out. We all want the series to continue for a long time.

The Herrmann stuff just doesn't interest me, not at a premium price anyway. What was great about the naxos stuff is it was only 10 bucks so I didnt mind "blind buys" so to speak.

I'll definitely be placing my orders for PRINCE AND THE PAUPER and CHARGE OF THE LIGHT BRIGADE, though. Probably SHE as well.

 Posted:   Nov 19, 2007 - 2:51 PM   
 By:   Morlock1   (Member)

I think that John and Bill have said that it's something they want to do in the future.

I think if John and Bill did everything they want to do they would have to move to Shangri-La.

Than can you just do everything I want you to do? razz wink

 Posted:   Nov 19, 2007 - 3:20 PM   
 By:   Agent Norman Newman   (Member)

Mark Of Zorro, another Newman score that really could use a new recording. big grin

 Posted:   Nov 19, 2007 - 3:35 PM   
 By:   Ron Pulliam   (Member)

I think that John and Bill have said that it's something they want to do in the future.

I think if John and Bill did everything they want to do they would have to move to Shangri-La.

I wish I could afford to have John and Bill do everything I want them to do!

 Posted:   Nov 20, 2007 - 12:22 AM   
 By:   Daniel Shays   (Member)

Just remember that they don't do windows, and get every other Thursday off.

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