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 Posted:   Jul 6, 2008 - 8:37 AM   
 By:   Recordman   (Member)

“Wild is the Wind” is a 1957 film starring Anna Magnani, Anthony Quinn and Tony Franciosa. It was directed by George Cukor. Quinn plays a native-born Italian sheep farmer in Nevada whose wife dies. He sends for her sister (Anna Magnani) to come live with him and his adopted son (Tony Franciosa). Quinn proceeds to treat her poorly and she turns to an affair with Quinn’s son. Both Quinn and Magnani were nominated for Oscars for their roles, as was the title song, sung by Johnny Mathis with lyrics and music by Ned Washington and Dimitri Tiomkin. Apparently there is no DVD in print nor a legitimate CD (though an unmentionable was issued in 1995).

The film was scored by Dimitri Tiomkin (1894-1979) and its soundtrack issued on a mono 12” LP by Columbia Records (CL-1090) (see picture below). Perhaps one of you can explain why the original score, especially from one as respected as Tiomkin, has yet to be officially released.


 Posted:   Jul 6, 2008 - 11:15 AM   
 By:   Dana Wilcox   (Member)

With all due respect to Recordman and to Mr. Tiomkin, I won't be holding my breath waiting for this one to come out. I found the film virtualy unwatchable (the allure of the porcine, mustachioed Anna Magnani remains one of the great mysteries of my life), and the subject matter not precisely in Tiomkin's compositional wheelhouse. I've always felt that the man did his best work "outside" and came off pretty lame once things moved indoors. Soap opera material did not, IMO, bring forth his best creative energies. Much of the score for WITW is comprised of a sort of meandering, alternately maudlin and perky but unfocused elevator/wallpaper thing, with some source music thrown in. Tracks that seem to offer the hope of some rousing action music ("Wild Horses" and "Horse Chase" for example) sound instead much like the deedledy-doodledy music with which Tiomkin underscored the English-style Virginia riding scenes early in GIANT. WILD IS THE WIND might have been better scored by Frank Skinner or Elmer Bernstein, more suited in their styles and experience to soap opera fare.

Somebody dredge up the original tracks to GUNS OF NAVARONE and give us a complete score, fully remastered recording of that one! I love Tiomkin when he's rompin'!

 Posted:   Jul 6, 2008 - 12:25 PM   
 By:   MICHAEL HOMA   (Member)

the best of the best.

 Posted:   Jul 6, 2008 - 4:46 PM   
 By:   Eugene Iemola   (Member)

David Bowie did a cover version of "Wild Is The Wind" during his Man Who Fell to Earth period (I can't remember which record it was but they were a trilogy that featured cover photos from the movie.)that was better than Mathis' version. Really not a bad song. But the album is sour, sort of like the film.

 Posted:   Jul 6, 2008 - 4:58 PM   
 By:   Steve Johnson   (Member)

Yeah, this movie was a Puker of a misfire. A turd, if you will. I did like the theme the song sprang from. Three tracks are available on that old 1988 Columbia cd, THE FILM MUSIC OF DIMITRI TIOMKIN. I used to have that French box set reissue of all those old Columbia Records Tiomkin scores. This was one of them in the set.

 Posted:   Jul 6, 2008 - 4:59 PM   
 By:   James MacMillan   (Member)

David Bowie did a cover version of "Wild Is The Wind" during his Man Who Fell to Earth period (I can't remember which record it was but they were a trilogy that featured cover photos from the movie.)that was better than Mathis' version. Really not a bad song. But the album is sour, sort of like the film.

I believe George Michael has also recorded this Tiomkin ballad in recent years - as has Barbra Streisand on her CD of songs from the movies. Amazing that the song has had such longevity.
But I agree that it's the only thing worth remembering from the soundtrack album.


 Posted:   Jul 6, 2008 - 5:10 PM   
 By:   George Komar   (Member)

Somebody dredge up the original tracks to GUNS OF NAVARONE and give us a complete score, fully remastered recording of that one! I love Tiomkin when he's rompin'!

James Fitzpatrick did a fabulous and faithful recording of the complete score on the Tadlow label:

As for Wild is the Wind, a recording of the theme appeared on

 Posted:   Jul 6, 2008 - 8:44 PM   
 By:   robertmro   (Member)

Barbara Strisand also found the title song compelling enough to record it.

The movie is terrible, but oh the music is a joy.

Tiomkin, to this day, still controversial.

 Posted:   Jul 6, 2008 - 8:57 PM   
 By:   Steve Johnson   (Member)

Somebody dredge up the original tracks to GUNS OF NAVARONE and give us a complete score, fully remastered recording of that one! I love Tiomkin when he's rompin'!

James Fitzpatrick did a fabulous and faithful recording of the complete score on the Tadlow label:

As for Wild is the Wind, a recording of the theme appeared on

Oh, yeah...
You know, that's the one rerecording of that theme I forget the most....

big grin

 Posted:   Sep 3, 2024 - 12:57 PM   
 By:   Thor   (Member)

Strange to see the rather negative reactions to Tiomkin's score above, from 2008. I feel the exact opposite as the sentiments being expressed here -- a lot of his action music just goes on my nerves, so I'm thankful that this doesn't have any. While this isn't calm either, exactly, it puts nothing inbetween as it captures the melodrama in broad strokes. I very much like these on-the-nose, sweeping "soap opera" melodies (plenty of glissando to go around!). One of my Tiomkin favs, this.

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