That Malice/Extreme Measures mash-up is the first one that came to mind. I even remember Lukas railing against these boring "floating head" movie poster designs in an FSM article back in late '96.
Nah, nah, nah. This one doesn't count. LA DONNA INVISIBLE is an Italian film from 1970. The floating heads design was pretty innovative for back then. Not only that, the title design is pure 60's type psychedelia. And the shadows moving across their faces is cool compared to the blah way they photograph this stuff nowadays. There's "movement" in that photo.
Nah, nah, nah. This one doesn't count. LA DONNA INVISIBLE is an Italian film from 1970. The floating heads design was pretty innovative for back then. Not only that, the title design is pure 60's type psychedelia. And the shadows moving across their faces is cool compared to the blah way they photograph this stuff nowadays. There's "movement" in that photo.