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This is a comments thread about FSM CD: The Omega Man 2.0—Unlimited
 Posted:   Jul 3, 2009 - 11:37 PM   
 By:   Accidental Genius   (Member)

I like the little Easter egg that comes at the end of the first edition. Lukas left it off 2.0 to keep 1.0 special.

What WAS the Easter Egg? I have the 2.0 version so I guess I've never heard it.

 Posted:   Jul 4, 2009 - 12:26 AM   
 By:   Joe Sikoryak   (Member)

I like the little Easter egg that comes at the end of the first edition. Lukas left it off 2.0 to keep 1.0 special.

What WAS the Easter Egg? I have the 2.0 version so I guess I've never heard it.

Ahhhh, the Easter Egg. It's a truckload of fun.

 Posted:   Jul 5, 2009 - 1:37 PM   
 By:   Accidental Genius   (Member)

I like the little Easter egg that comes at the end of the first edition. Lukas left it off 2.0 to keep 1.0 special.

What WAS the Easter Egg? I have the 2.0 version so I guess I've never heard it.

Ahhhh, the Easter Egg. It's a truckload of fun.

Was your comment meant to shed some light on my question in a way that is unbeknownst to me? Is there anyone else out there who'd actually like to answer the question instead of being a horrid tease. You, sir, are eeee-vill. smile

 Posted:   Jul 5, 2009 - 2:38 PM   
 By:   Lukas Kendall   (Member)

The 1.0 edition has the source music of the children singing placed at the end of the last track (not labeled on packaging or indexed).


 Posted:   Jul 6, 2009 - 8:06 AM   
 By:   Jehannum   (Member)

The 1.0 edition has the source music of the children singing placed at the end of the last track (not labeled on packaging or indexed).


And Ron Grainer's voice ...

 Posted:   Jul 6, 2009 - 9:00 AM   
 By:   Accidental Genius   (Member)

The 1.0 edition has the source music of the children singing placed at the end of the last track (not labeled on packaging or indexed).


Thanks, Lukas. And kudos to you, even though I don't have it, for keeping the original issue of THE OMEGA MAN special to the collectors who own it.

 Posted:   Sep 15, 2009 - 2:35 PM   
 By:   David Sones (Allardyce)   (Member)

I was recently given this album as a gift. Not having heard the score or seen the film, I must say wuh-wuh-WOW what an unbelievably awesome, exciting, seminal '70s score this is! Great themes, lots of nuance and variation, and loaded with uniquely '70s orchestration that I find exciting and, dare I use this word, ... fresh. A thousand thanks to FSM for issuing the 2.0 version, otherwise I might not have received it as a gift or acquired it at all. I've been spinning it daily for several days now, and there's no end in sight.

And five thousand thanks to my dear friends who blessed me with this gift that keeps on givin'!

 Posted:   Sep 15, 2009 - 8:10 PM   
 By:   jonathan_little   (Member)

What a great gift! The first time I heard this score was via the sound clips on this website and I was hooked. Love the music, love the performance, love the clean recording. The orchestration is superb; Grainer took a reduced orchestra and made it sound great.

I crack up every time at the end of the disc when that cheeseball rewrite "let's be optimistic, kids!" music kicks in. The original version is so perfect for the score and the film.

 Posted:   Oct 17, 2009 - 11:03 AM   
 By:   Zerbefan   (Member)

Just a quick note- Soylent Green is actually from the novel- "MAKE ROOM! MAKE ROOM!" by Harry Harrison. And while it does contain the major elements of Overpopulation and Pollution - at it's core it is a MURDER MYSTERY! A future cop novel. This is not THE MOVIE plot about the soylent corporation. It is a fine novel on it's own and should be enjoyed that way. DO NOT expect the movie. It does not have the same ending. Like Planet of the Apes before it, the movie version puts a final twist that is not in the novel. But do purchase and enjoy all these FSM scores. I own each of them and they are all superb!

 Posted:   Oct 17, 2009 - 11:20 AM   
 By:   Zerbefan   (Member)

I AM LEGEND sequel in the works! I think the NEW score should be by RON GRAINER! Since they only remade the omega man for the first film. Maybe in this new film Neville goes underground, Perhaps beneath the city and encounters The Alpha and Omega Bomb Praying Telepathic Mutants who are protecting themselve from the dirty apes- um-- darkseekers living in the "off limits" zone!

 Posted:   May 8, 2010 - 2:57 PM   
 By:   Jeff Eldridge   (Member)

The liner notes for the 2.0 release are now available in PDF form:

 Posted:   May 8, 2010 - 4:00 PM   
 By:   Disco Stu   (Member)

Have both versions. Like the first issue the most as I find that one a lot better.
The film is one of my favourites. By no means a guilty pleasure. I feel no guilt for any film I like.

Contrary to popular belief, "The Omega man" is a very spooky and unsettling film at places that a remake most probably will never achieve. Case in point is the recent attempt and it won't get better with another version. The quality of Omega lies only becomes more and more substantiated by every idiotic remark I read whenever I make the mistake of picking up "SFX" when I have read everything else in the train station's kiosk.
Ron Grainer's music did add to the quality and the atmosphere. No out and out pomp and darkness. Just good music that can be enjoyed without the pictures.

Oh yes and before I forget: "Hope springs eternal" is THE knock out of this soundtrack.

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