This is a comments thread about FSM CD: Inside Daisy Clover |
Thanks to Bruce Kimmel, here's an ID of the unlisted demo vocalist on disc 2, track 14: Joanie Sommers. Lukas
Well, the $32 I spent on the LP back in 1982 has just gone to waste.  (Actually that works out to about 3 tenths of a cent per day, so it's not bad.) Seriously, though, this should be a fascinating listen, with all that extra music.
Get out your earphones so you can nerd along with me: the vocalist on CD2, cuts 21 and 22 is not JUST Natalie Wood. On cut 21, Jackie Ward sings 0:46 "And sing, like me" 1:54 "Winter will seem like spring, while I've a happy song, I can sing." 3:11 "We've learned how things go wrong..." [and continues to end] And on cut 22, Ward does 1:22 "It ain't what it's supposed to be." 5:04 "So step right up and join the show."
(How am I able to find this when the producers/liner note writers could not? Perhaps because when they were still in rompers, I coughed up a lotta clams for the LP. So maybe I've got years more experience memorizing Jackie Ward's voice.)
DiB I love it. Bravo. Thanks, HL.