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 Posted:   Oct 18, 2010 - 4:48 PM   
 By:   BasilFSM   (Member)

I posted about this place in the FFShrine thread already, but this will receive more attention if posted about in a separate topic.

This abomination of a website. Here's my post from the other thread:

They've been around for at least 10 years, partaking in video game music and film music piracy, however, their piracy subforums are not visible to guests. You have to register to see them - and once you're logged in, you will now see the Concert Hall as well as My Stuff, the central subforum where the pirating goes on.

Why do I know this? I'll confess - I was frequenting that place since 2005, and I was a moderator in the My Stuff area for about two of those years - but I finally ditched the site several months back, because quite honestly, the place sucks. The piracy, the "community" (if you can even say it HAS one, given how everyone there gets so uptight and pissed off about EVERYTHING), the look of the boards, the ELITIST especially - EVERYTHING.

Please, go sign up, complain to them about it. I'll start writing letters to the record labels about both FFShrine and Gamingforce, myself.

However, if you try to register, there's some sort of odd verification question that comes up - if you intend to register and complain to those guys about piracy as well, your response should be "sex" for the NoSpam! verification question.

This place has also hosted contests in the past (, such as their Best Song Contest (BSC) for video game music, BACH 2009 for classical music, SAUS for general mainstream music, and "FAGTITS" for the one shot at a movie music-themed contest - all of which involved hosting mp3s on different servers and pirating/listening to music through those hosts as well.

I'd also keep an eye out for any activity going on here as well, once they get their comeuppance:

As well as this link: - this site was used to host the SAUS mp3s as well as numerous other files (illegally)

I'm probably digging my own grave for doing this, and everybody over at Gamingforce will SURELY hate me now, but I really don't care. It's all to put an end to this stupid piracy.

 Posted:   Oct 18, 2010 - 4:51 PM   
 By:   David-R.   (Member)

Good for you for speaking up. Who cares if they hate you? You know that you're doing the right thing. If I stop a crook committing a crime and he hates me, I really don't give one crap about it.

 Posted:   Oct 18, 2010 - 5:50 PM   
 By:   BasilFSM   (Member)

Right you are on that, G-Fan!

I've sent e-mail reports about all this to all of the following:

Film Score Monthly
Screen Archives
La-La Land
Perseverance Records
Quartet Records
Beat Records (this e-mail bounced back, unfortunately)
Lakeshore Entertainment
Aleph Records
CineMedia Promotions
Taylor White (Percepto Records)
Monstrous Movie Music
MovieScore Media
Howlin' Wolf Records
Tribute Film Classics
Warner Bros. Records
Varese Sarabande
Universal Music Group

If anyone here could let me know of anyone I missed, or any useful e-mail addresses I can reach, PLEASE contact me, either through e-mail or Facebook (if you have me added).

Also, if you'd like to send a message to all of these labels and speak up about this situation to them, do contact me, I'd be willing to give out the e-mail addresses I have (in private).

 Posted:   Oct 18, 2010 - 6:06 PM   
 By:   MMM   (Member)

I got your e-mail, and thanks, but the links didn't show me anything. Can you please tell me exactly what was/is going on? If people are offering free copies of CDs or posting downloadable files, I have been battling this for many years. We have losts thousands of potential sales due to people who do this. But I'd appreciate knowing exactly what's going on in case I can help.

 Posted:   Oct 18, 2010 - 6:13 PM   
 By:   BasilFSM   (Member)

I got your e-mail, and thanks, but the links didn't show me anything. Can you please tell me exactly what was/is going on? If people are offering free copies of CDs or posting downloadable files, I have been battling this for many years. We have losts thousands of potential sales due to people who do this. But I'd appreciate knowing exactly what's going on in case I can help.

David - Gamingforce has threads and postings where people post film/video game music download links. It's very similar to FFShrine - one person uploads, everyone else takes the music illegally.

If you'd like to reach the Gamingforce heads, I have several contact addresses for those guys.

As I mentioned above, the music piracy subforums aren't visible to guests - it's only after you register and verify your account that you can see the offending subforums.

 Posted:   Oct 18, 2010 - 6:20 PM   
 By:   BasilFSM   (Member)

Here's some screenshots as well:

 Posted:   Nov 22, 2010 - 1:15 PM   
 By:   HonestCitizen   (Member)

Hi Basil,

I think it's really good that you're speaking out about these people and bringing their pirate ways to the attention of the relevant people. I registered at the site to have a look at what was going on and while looking through their "My Stuff" forum, I couldn't help but notice a thread entitled "Basil's CD Rips and Other Projects" which looks like it might have been your thread before you decided to quit the site. It looks like you were quite the prolific filesharer yourself before you got disenfranchised with the place.

I take it when you emailed all those people about the filsharing going on at Gamingforce you expressed suitable contrition for your own part in spreading copyright material freely across the internet via Megaupload and Rapidshare? How many of your 500+ cds did you rip and post online over the years?

I see also from the first post of that thread that you're offering to continue sharing your cd rips privately if anyone asks for them. What exactly is Looks to me like a commercially available film score available for public download hosted on your webspace, are there any more up there?

Finally I'm not sure how you can rail against music contests hosting files for people to discover new music and yet run a thread on this very site ( where you're uploading full pieces of music to YouTube, allowing anyone to listen to them for free or even download them if they have RealPlayer.

Of course I abhor piracy myself but I think you might want to direct your ire a little closer to home.

 Posted:   Nov 22, 2010 - 1:58 PM   
 By:   Simple Mind   (Member)


There's also Avaxhome, wich is not a forum. More a kind of database if you're looking for something special, and the rips are more often high quality ones (like lossless stuff).

I use it myself for researches. I don't download often, but I downloaded recently 3 CD's of medieval music in Flac. It made me buy one CD I found to be awesome, and thrown the two others in the trash.

So, I'm a little upset with those conversations about piracy, where all is only either black or white !

... And to La La Land records I say: FFshrine made me know about the 1989 Batman expanded. I bought it too after I have listened the mp3s. This is to me the release of the year !

Without those sites - and I'm not defending them, I just observe - I wouldn't care so much about film musics and wouldn't keep me connected. I discovered some stuff that when I like it, I buy it. I don't keep the rest.

You know, there are priorities in life and I don't think people would buy more sountracks WITHOUT the download forums. It just gives imo the labels a false idea about their sales potential, thinking "hey! All these downloads should be converted to sales and we would be rich!".
... So, not completely. With me as downloader, it is just great free advertising for you ! Once those forums will be closed (and I repeat: I don't care), I won't have any link with the soundtrack market anymore. Good for You ?

I'm certainly not an isolated case of "silent honesty".

 Posted:   Nov 22, 2010 - 2:34 PM   
 By:   Hannibal Army   (Member)

Hi Basil,

I think it's really good that you're speaking out about these people and bringing their pirate ways to the attention of the relevant people. I registered at the site to have a look at what was going on and while looking through their "My Stuff" forum, I couldn't help but notice a thread entitled "Basil's CD Rips and Other Projects" which looks like it might have been your thread before you decided to quit the site. It looks like you were quite the prolific filesharer yourself before you got disenfranchised with the place.

I take it when you emailed all those people about the filsharing going on at Gamingforce you expressed suitable contrition for your own part in spreading copyright material freely across the internet via Megaupload and Rapidshare? How many of your 500+ cds did you rip and post online over the years?

I see also from the first post of that thread that you're offering to continue sharing your cd rips privately if anyone asks for them. What exactly is Looks to me like a commercially available film score available for public download hosted on your webspace, are there any more up there?

Finally I'm not sure how you can rail against music contests hosting files for people to discover new music and yet run a thread on this very site ( where you're uploading full pieces of music to YouTube, allowing anyone to listen to them for free or even download them if they have RealPlayer.

Of course I abhor piracy myself but I think you might want to direct your ire a little closer to home.

Its not the only one,i counted three or four threads for submissions and requests.Interesting eh? wink

 Posted:   Nov 22, 2010 - 4:10 PM   
 By:   Lukas Kendall   (Member)

We are moving to shut these places down or at least get the links removed...


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