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 Posted:   May 31, 2012 - 10:30 AM   
 By:   Jim Phelps   (Member)

This is for real? How come you guys didn't talk about this?

 Posted:   May 31, 2012 - 10:58 AM   
 By:   Scott McOldsmith   (Member)

Fans launch a criminal investigation against Lucas for "raping their childhoods." Or if they haven't yet, I'm surprised.

Lucas should copyright his name so he gets a residual every time someone uses it. He'd make more money off that than anything else in his career.

 Posted:   May 31, 2012 - 11:07 AM   
 By:   LeHah   (Member)

How come you guys didn't talk about this?

Because you don't have to step into a sewer to know it stinks.

 Posted:   May 31, 2012 - 12:38 PM   
 By:   Warlok   (Member)

The documentary is an excellent one, surprisingly. Nerd-dom aside, it *does* present some compelling logic, and some interesting interviews are featured with people who worked on the original shows.

So no - it does not stink.

PLUS it has one of the most hilarious things I have ever seen in my life. Laughed so hard I was in tears; totally unexpected.

 Posted:   May 31, 2012 - 1:04 PM   
 By:   LeHah   (Member)

it does not stink.

Yes, it does. Because one agrees with nerd entitlement does not undo the fact that its still children acting like children.

 Posted:   May 31, 2012 - 1:29 PM   
 By:   JSWalsh   (Member)

Whenever I think of all the shit Lucas says, all the arrogance and outright stuppidity he expresses, and see his crappy movies--everything after EMPIRE, with the exceptions of a few parts of SITH--I loathe him as I would a crack dealer for filling the lives of so many with such worthless, life-avoiding shit. Then I consider his first three movies, and his great talent, and remember why I just can`t hate him for more than a few seconds, because he is a freaking genius who just lost his way when he could have been Orson Welles with mainstream success. I just can`t dismiss the quality of his first 3 directorial efforts, they are masterpieces. When I see this trailer, I wish everyone over 13 who dresses up like Star Trek or Star Wars people should be required to use only actjal working weapons at conventions, and the bunch of retards would wipe each other out in a weekend. I`d rather watch Rosie O`Donnell eat three buckets of KFC Extra Greasy without the assistance of napkins than see this movie. WORD!

 Posted:   May 31, 2012 - 2:24 PM   
 By:   gmontag451   (Member)

This documentary is on Netflix streaming now, my wife and I started it a week ago but didn't get too far in. Not that it's bad; we just gave up caring a long time ago, and we know GL won't stop tinkering until they pry the mouse out of his cold dead hands. We own the DVDs LFL put out with the LaserDisc versions, and we're good with those until a better quality edition appears. One day it will happen, I can feel it in the Force.

 Posted:   May 31, 2012 - 2:33 PM   
 By:   Sigerson Holmes   (Member)


I brought this film up September 4, 2011 in this thread:

Where were you, man?

 Posted:   May 31, 2012 - 3:02 PM   
 By:   JSWalsh   (Member)

George Lucas keeps saying these are basically children`s movies, and you know who I`ve never heard bitching about these movies? Children, their intended audience. You know who can never STFU about what Lucas does to his own creations? Chronologically-adult males who should have learned long ago that these are entertainments for summer movie nights when they were kids, and maybe occassional revisits over the years, after they have grown up and moved on from childish junkfood diets of escapism and moved on to literature, higher forms of film art, and music, and realistic adult interactions with the world and entertainment products. if my dad ever went on and on because they were colorizing a Flash Gordon short or something, my mom would have had him committed. Nowadays, someone who treats this stuff as the kids`s stuff it is is considered heartless; in the past they`d be considered an ordinary adult of average maturity who has a grip on reality.

 Posted:   May 31, 2012 - 3:05 PM   
 By:   Warlok   (Member)

it does not stink.

Yes, it does. Because one agrees with nerd entitlement does not undo the fact that its still children acting like children.


This is one of those times.

I HATE tinkered Lucas SW pictures for a host of reasons, which you can boil down to a very simple concept: bad theater.

The subject in this case could have been any film or genre. But because it is sci-fi, and because - yes - there are some over-the-top diehards as there is with Trek, all rational dramatic evaluations must simply be... nerd entitlement.

Obviously, I disagree.

The original Star Wars and the original The Empire Strikes Back should be in the top 100 films list of North America. The redos should not be. The expressable reasons for that have nothing to do with nerd-dom, they have to do with theater.

 Posted:   May 31, 2012 - 3:06 PM   
 By:   Francis   (Member)

JS, will you star in my documentary entitled 'JSWalsh VS The People VS George Lucas"?

By the way, I can think of a handful of contemporary directors/writers who deserve a "the people vs" movie more than George.

 Posted:   May 31, 2012 - 3:51 PM   
 By:   Jeyl   (Member)

- By the way, I can think of a handful of contemporary directors/writers who deserve a "the people vs" movie more than George.

Examples? I'm not trying to call you out, I'm understandably curious.

 Posted:   May 31, 2012 - 4:01 PM   
 By:   JSWalsh   (Member)

Francis, If you feel there`s an audience for a film of me vs. a thousand Trek Wars nerds, it`s your $27.50 in Beverages for me for the duration of shooting, which should last about as long as some fatassed basement-dweller in Spock ears gets too close and I jam a lightsabre up his nose, or some gamer starts crying when I tell him Gene Roddenberry was a cheesy producer who had one good idea which others filled out, and he was such a humanitarian he wrote unused lyrics to rip off Alexander Courage of half his Trek theme income. If you have Zoe Saldana sit by my side throughout, the drinks are on me. Even if she wears Spock ears.

 Posted:   May 31, 2012 - 4:25 PM   
 By:   Octoberman   (Member)

I'm aware of the film, but I've never seen it.

My question is, what was Lucas' reaction to it?

 Posted:   May 31, 2012 - 4:26 PM   
 By:   TM2-Megatron   (Member)

I think 98% of the changes are kinda dumb, but it's not because I'm a "NO CHANGES EVER" film purist, but simply because I find the changes were unnecessary and don't really work (and the CGI is, in all honesty, pretty cartoonish). But I just don't buy them; the last real copies I have are on VHS. The theatrical cuts will come out in acceptable quality eventually either on Blu-Ray or some other format, and until then there are lots of other movies to watch and things to do.

Nowadays, someone who treats this stuff as the kids`s stuff it is is considered heartless; in the past they`d be considered an ordinary adult of average maturity who has a grip on reality.

I think it's less that, and more people who act needlessly stuck-up and give their opinion more weight than it deserves. Better grips on reality needed all around, seemingly.

 Posted:   May 31, 2012 - 5:06 PM   
 By:   Francis   (Member)

Francis, If you feel there`s an audience for a film of me vs. a thousand Trek Wars nerds, it`s your $27.50 in Beverages for me for the duration of shooting, which should last about as long as some fatassed basement-dweller in Spock ears gets too close and I jam a lightsabre up his nose, or some gamer starts crying when I tell him Gene Roddenberry was a cheesy producer who had one good idea which others filled out, and he was such a humanitarian he wrote unused lyrics to rip off Alexander Courage of half his Trek theme income. If you have Zoe Saldana sit by my side throughout, the drinks are on me. Even if she wears Spock ears.

This thing writes itself.

 Posted:   May 31, 2012 - 5:06 PM   
 By:   JSWalsh   (Member)

On second thought, ixnay on the Spock ears for Zoe. I must maintain my artistic integrity, and that shit`s creepy. And throw in some of the expanded Goldsmith soundtrack cds, I got friends who I can give them to. i`ll let you know when i have nothing better to do than berate a bunch of fat virgins who only read novelizations, call me in stardate 2047 or so. Promise. [snl reference]

 Posted:   May 31, 2012 - 5:09 PM   
 By:   JSWalsh   (Member)

FYI, in that trailer, the dude with the lightsabre at the end? Jim Phelps

 Posted:   May 31, 2012 - 5:10 PM   
 By:   TM2-Megatron   (Member)

This thing writes itself.

I don't think Zoe Saldana would be on board, though. She's never struck me as the embittered type, nor one inclined to schadenfreude. I'd be impressed if she could stomach more than a few lines of the dialogue.

 Posted:   May 31, 2012 - 5:28 PM   
 By:   JSWalsh   (Member)

Don`t worry about Zoe gagging on the dialogue, Rick Berman and his team will not be involved in the writing process.

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