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May 30, 2023 - 2:59 AM
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Tvs - Cue titles for Ring Around Gilligan, a complete score, composed by Gerald Fried, recorded on same 1 September, 1966 session as aforementioned Man With a Net partial: Dr. Screwball The Ring The Command Trance Judo Lady Zombie Ring Bearer Reservations Robot Ginger The Plot Doubles, Anyone? Captain Monkey (Igor takes control while Dr. Balinkoff is sleeping) Boy Monkey (G acting like monkey before Dr. B awakes, chides Igor) Optional Flip Sweetner Fellowship of the Ring (castaways collectively summoned) Rehearsal Fort Knocks Coconut Stinger (coconuts found in hut) The Robbery Successful Caper (recorded twice, second time edited, played for act out) Coconut Barrage (castaways throw coconuts at Balinkoff, his boat as he flees lagoon) This was Fried’s final complete score for the series though he would contribute two short cues for the first of two sessions where Gilligan Goes Gung-ho cues were recorded (20 October, 1966).
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May 30, 2023 - 3:19 AM
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Will look through notes as there were eight CBS sessions that took place before 1-16-67 Slave Girl/IAT Cave Family Swingers session (involving just three percussionists), though I have no idea what was recorded on five of these sessions as I don’t have paperwork between 12-20-66 and 1-3-67 (when an IAT, additional Lovey’s Secret Admirer cues were recorded, IAT cues comp. Morton Stevens). Hope this helps. Hi Broughtfan - Your knowledge is amazing! Thanks so much! Incidentally, I am also doing research into Run Buddy Run material (composed of course by Jerry Fielding). I wasn't aware recording sessions for that show were still going on into November 1966. The last session I knew of was in the middle of October 1966. Do you know if that November session was the last? And regarding the Ring Around Gilligan/Man With A Net session, do you know how many cues of each show were recorded on that day? The 11-22 Run Buddy Run (the final one I have listed in my paperwork) does not list Fielding as either leader or orchestrator but does indicate a hefty pay day (comparatively speaking) for Mort Stevens. Since Klatzkin and Ray are listed as well (as orchestrators), my thought is that the former composed the Gunsmoke cues, Don the rescue plane cues for G Goes Gung Ho (as 2 horn players were present) and Mort the RBR cues, Mort conducting all of the above (and a GI library session). Also, Fielding always recorded RBR with big band brass whereas this session had WW, cellos and French horns (so no trumpets, trombones). During this time, Fielding was scoring eps of ABC’s Shane (an hour drama, scored at Paramount) and, I believe, did a couple of S2 Hogan’s Heroes shows (taking over from Fred Steiner in the middle of S1). So he was one busy guy.
Cue titles for Ring Around Gilligan, a complete score, composed by Gerald Fried, recorded on same 1 September, 1966 session as aforementioned Man With a Net partial Wow, BF! Thanks for listing all those titles. That is amazing! Man With a Net is one of my favorite scores composed for the third season, but I believe the master tape for that session is sadly lost. You said the "Ginger" theme was composed originally for "The Producer" - do you know if it was recorded with "Net" or "Producer"? Also, if you ever have time, I would love to know the titles for some of the other episodes. If it's a simple copy-and-paste, maybe you could post a few more when you get around to it??? I would certainly appeciate it and I'm sure it would interest some of the other GI soundtrack fans on here. Maybe you could help me with two more dates - do you know when partials for "Chain of Command" and "Mine Hero" were recorded and roughly how many cues of each? Also, I am aware through my research that a single cue was recorded on 1/3/67 for "Lovey's Secret Admirer", with an unknown program (Prod. no. 7870). I don't suppose you have anything in your notes about what show this was? (I assume an unsold TV pilot) Finally, I am trying to find the names of some of the musicians who played on these sessions. I realise there must be quite a number of different musicians employed by CBS at the time, but if you could list just a couple that were frequently on GI sessions, that would interest me greatly. Also, through listening to some of the few session tapes I have, there seems to be a person called Harriet who is mentioned a lot by the conductors. She seems to be someone in the recording booth (not part of the orchestra). Do you have anything on who she was or her official role? Also, the recordist on most of these is someone by the name of "Pierce" (I think). Do you have anything on that? By the way, I really must thank you for all your help once again! I have studied the musical scoring of various different television shows over the past few years and it's so helpful to have someone else who has already done some research in that field to help!
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May 30, 2023 - 10:11 AM
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Cue titles for Ring Around Gilligan, a complete score, composed by Gerald Fried, recorded on same 1 September, 1966 session as aforementioned Man With a Net partial Wow, BF! Thanks for listing all those titles. That is amazing! Man With a Net is one of my favorite scores composed for the third season, but I believe the master tape for that session is sadly lost. You said the "Ginger" theme was composed originally for "The Producer" - do you know if it was recorded with "Net" or "Producer"? Also, if you ever have time, I would love to know the titles for some of the other episodes. If it's a simple copy-and-paste, maybe you could post a few more when you get around to it??? I would certainly appeciate it and I'm sure it would interest some of the other GI soundtrack fans on here. Maybe you could help me with two more dates - do you know when partials for "Chain of Command" and "Mine Hero" were recorded and roughly how many cues of each? Also, I am aware through my research that a single cue was recorded on 1/3/67 for "Lovey's Secret Admirer", with an unknown program (Prod. no. 7870). I don't suppose you have anything in your notes about what show this was? (I assume an unsold TV pilot) Finally, I am trying to find the names of some of the musicians who played on these sessions. I realise there must be quite a number of different musicians employed by CBS at the time, but if you could list just a couple that were frequently on GI sessions, that would interest me greatly. Also, through listening to some of the few session tapes I have, there seems to be a person called Harriet who is mentioned a lot by the conductors. She seems to be someone in the recording booth (not part of the orchestra). Do you have anything on who she was or her official role? Also, the recordist on most of these is someone by the name of "Pierce" (I think). Do you have anything on that? By the way, I really must thank you for all your help once again! I have studied the musical scoring of various different television shows over the past few years and it's so helpful to have someone else who has already done some research in that field to help! Tvs- Mine Hero sounds like a Fried partial, though the only cue I could find for it was composed by (music supervisor) Joel Davis. Don wrote the partial for Chain of Command (as Gerry Fried had several series commitments during the 1965-66 and 1966-67 TV seasons), but I will have to see if I have cue titles. As for the Ginger cue, I think Don wrote it originally as a library cue. But the first use of it (that I am aware) was in Man With a Net. As far as session musicians lists go that’s the type of reports I have, essentially contractor’s lists with info about recording times/venues, copyists/orchestrators (usually meaning the composers involved). Are you interested in wind players? percussionists? When the session included orchestral strings it was almost always cellos, basses. I’m a former horn/trumpet player so it was neat to see names of brass stars like John Audino (lead trumpet of Tonight Show Band once JC relocated to Burbank), Maurice Harris (another Tonight Show Band member), Frank Beach, George Werth, Bob DiVall (at the time, LA Phil principal trumpet), Manny Klein, Henry Sigismonti, Rich Perissi, Jim Decker, Sinclair Lott (then, LA Phil principal horn ), Dick Nash, Dick Noel, George Roberts, Tommy Johnson (some of the first things he did as a studio regular). The CBS contractor of the time, Herman Bernardinelli, tended to hire the same people for these things as long as they were available (because these players were in high demand...everywhere!) I think Harriet slated the session takes, kept track of how many tape reels were used. Anyway, I will see what further cue titles I can dig up. BF
Are you interested in wind players? percussionists? I think Harriet slated the session takes, kept track of how many tape reels were used. Anyway, I will see what further cue titles I can dig up. BF Hi BF - Interesting to hear some names of the musician involved. I'm interested in any names you have. Yes, that would make sense - I think Harriet did the slating. Do you know her last name or how long she was employed at CBS SC? You mentioned before that on the day they did "Gilligan Goes Gung Ho" they did a few library cues for GI too. Do you know how many or what those cues were?
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May 31, 2023 - 6:41 AM
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Are you interested in wind players? percussionists? I think Harriet slated the session takes, kept track of how many tape reels were used. Anyway, I will see what further cue titles I can dig up. BF Hi BF - Interesting to hear some names of the musician involved. I'm interested in any names you have. Yes, that would make sense - I think Harriet did the slating. Do you know her last name or how long she was employed at CBS SC? You mentioned before that on the day they did "Gilligan Goes Gung Ho" they did a few library cues for GI too. Do you know how many or what those cues were? TVs- The only GI cues that I’m aware of being recorded on the 22 November 1966 Gunsmoke/RBR session, other than a GI library, were Don Ray’s ”Gung-ho” rescue plane cues (with the 2 horns, set of cellos and Carl Fortina on accordion). The two Fried did, “Murder” (heard at end of teaser when G thinks Ginger has shot the Professor) and the short piano cue were recorded a month earlier, with Fielding’s RBR band. The aforementioned rescue plane cues were put to effective use in both Splashdown (Scorpio EX-1 theme) and Court Martial (Lord Admiral G’s sailing ship music). I’m guessing the library stuff was various stings, short transition cues (mostly by Don, a few by Mort) composed for scenes that couldn’t be tracked with the earlier composed episode-specific material by Fried, Ray. BTW: the kaleidoscopic-like stuff heard in several latter season shows was, in fact, composed by Don for Topsy-Turvy (where G sees upside down, double, etc.). Another interesting factoid, with one or two exceptions, none of the S2 music cues were reused in S3 (though a few GI cues can be heard in some IAT shows and vice versa). Not sure what “Gung-ho” cues of Don’s would have been recorded on the 20 October session, but the horn, accordion things were definitely recorded on the November Gunsmoke session.
I think Harriet did the slating. Do you know her last name or how long she was employed at CBS SC? Not sure what “Gung-ho” cues of Don’s would have been recorded on the 20 October session, but the horn, accordion things were definitely recorded on the November Gunsmoke session. That's interesting, thanks again for the insight. In regards to Court Martial, I believe you said that was recorded on 12/12/66 session. I imagine that was mostly the cues used in the dream sequence where Gilligan fights with the pirates etc???
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May 31, 2023 - 8:59 AM
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I think Harriet did the slating. Do you know her last name or how long she was employed at CBS SC? Not sure what “Gung-ho” cues of Don’s would have been recorded on the 20 October session, but the horn, accordion things were definitely recorded on the November Gunsmoke session. That's interesting, thanks again for the insight. In regards to Court Martial, I believe you said that was recorded on 12/12/66 session. I imagine that was mostly the cues used in the dream sequence where Gilligan fights with the pirates etc??? I’m not positive, but I think the Court Martial dream sequence was the only part of the ep that required scoring (as opposed to tracking). The Lord Admiral Gilligan music was a combination of specially-composed cues (fight scene) and cues tracked from the latter Gunsmoke/RBR/G Goes Gung-ho session (the cues with the accordion, cellos and French horns). The fanfare that heralds Lord Admiral G’s entrance, “Fanny’s Fanfare” (sounds like wordplay) was composed by Don and, if I’m reading my notes correctly, was recorded on the Kidnapper session (ironic as the ep was largely tracked with Gerry Fried cues). So the CM dream sequence was (apparently) a combination of new cues (12-12 session), cues tracked from Kidnapper and Gung-Ho (Gunsmoke/RBR) sessions.
So the CM dream sequence was (apparently) a combination of new cues (12-12 session), cues tracked from Kidnapper and Gung-Ho (Gunsmoke/RBR) sessions. Great! Thanks for your help. Do you know if that starts at 1:10 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-191VodqoQ) was then recorded on 12/12/66 session (it is featured originally in Court Martial)? Also, do you have the title for the cue that appears at 0:07 (the classical music that morphs into rock and roll)?
I think Harriet did the slating. Do you know her last name or how long she was employed at CBS SC? BF - Do you have the dates they recorded - Mine Hero (I believe only one or two cues???), Agonized Labor and Beauty is as Beauty Does?
It's About Time recording dates (ones I have): Composed by Gerald Fried (unless otherwise indicated): The Initiation, The Rainmakers - 8/16/66 The Copper Capper, Tailor Made Hero - 8/23/66 Courtship of Miles Gronk (Don Ray, Joel Davis*) - 9/6/66 Mark Your Ballots (Don Ray) - 9/13/66 The Champ (Ray) - 9/19/66 partial (p) Androcles and Clon (Don Ray, Mort Stevens) - 10/20/66 p Love Me, Love My Gnook (Fried) -11/9/66 Shad, Rock & Other Tortures (Stevens) - 1/3/67 Cave Family Swingers (Ray) - 1/16/67 p (rec. with GI Slave Girl, also DR) * - Both CBS music staff On occasion, episode titles changed between post production and broadcast. A few questions regarding IAT: Any idea when "20th Century, Here We Come" was recorded? It appears to be a complete or near complete score. Also, any idea when the revised MT and EC were recorded? Regarding GI: Anyone know the recording date for the partial, "The Invasion" or how many cues were recorded?