I always loved Waxman's musical reply to having to use the Irving Berlin song (as good as it was). Waxman dealt with it, but he also wrote a theme that (at least IMO) was better than the song by Berlin (The Katsumi theme was Waxman's own creation). Since I only have the Entr'acte album and the RCA compilation CD, I'm ready for the real deal. Bill, I resurrected this thread again because I was listening to this score today and was again caught up in Katsumi Theme and Death Scene. My God, these are beautiful pieces. Death Scene is gut wrenching but so beautiful. I would give anything for a re-release. A great, great score. The video rights are owned by MGM, but the music is still controlled by Warners, so it will take someone who has an in there to make it happen, and that's only IF they have elements.
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Sep 17, 2013 - 4:31 PM
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I always loved Waxman's musical reply to having to use the Irving Berlin song (as good as it was). Waxman dealt with it, but he also wrote a theme that (at least IMO) was better than the song by Berlin (The Katsumi theme was Waxman's own creation). Since I only have the Entr'acte album and the RCA compilation CD, I'm ready for the real deal. Bill, I resurrected this thread again because I was listening to this score today and was again caught up in Katsumi Theme and Death Scene. My God, these are beautiful pieces. Death Scene is gut wrenching but so beautiful. I would give anything for a re-release. A great, great score. The video rights are owned by MGM, but the music is still controlled by Warners, so it will take someone who has an in there to make it happen, and that's only IF they have elements. Bruce, I am so naive about this stuff. I know someone with the last name of Warner? Does that help? Seriously, is there anyone on the board that has an in? Again, naive here but I can only hope.
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Sep 17, 2013 - 9:36 PM
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I always loved Waxman's musical reply to having to use the Irving Berlin song (as good as it was). Waxman dealt with it, but he also wrote a theme that (at least IMO) was better than the song by Berlin (The Katsumi theme was Waxman's own creation). Since I only have the Entr'acte album and the RCA compilation CD, I'm ready for the real deal. Bill, I resurrected this thread again because I was listening to this score today and was again caught up in Katsumi Theme and Death Scene. My God, these are beautiful pieces. Death Scene is gut wrenching but so beautiful. I would give anything for a re-release. A great, great score. The video rights are owned by MGM, but the music is still controlled by Warners, so it will take someone who has an in there to make it happen, and that's only IF they have elements. I vaguely recall someone who had some connection with the greater Turner/Warner/Rhino corporate organization. What was his name again? Lukas something.....Lukas Kimball, maybe.....Lukas Kendall, perhaps. I wonder if he's still around and in the business.....  Incidentally, about 15 or so years ago (or maybe more), there was a B**T of SAYONARA floating around in the CD black-market, which was more complete than the RCA soundtrack album, and seemingly with several alternate versions of some cues, too. I would guess that there was 30-40 % more music on this recording. I also seem to recall, unfortunately, that this additional music was in mono (or very poor stereo) and one wonders what the source of the extra material was. It didn't sound like it came directly from the Warner vaults, but who knows? I wonder if RCA has an "in perpetuity" ownership of this score on recording, and, if so, if they could be worked with, and in turn, Warners could be worked with, to finally give us a complete version---even if it meant melding mono and stereo. (I suppose the Irving Berlin estate would also be a fly in the ointment, although since his death, I believe the executors have been more open to negotiations for his music, too.) SAYONARA is an excellent score, and it would certainly be of value to Golden Age fans to have this in an expanded version, if the production cost was not too dear.
Sometimes the wheels of film score restoration move slowly. Have faith, brothers. Have faith. MV
I've always liked Waxman's music for "Sayonara," which is very reminiscent of his music for "My Geisha." I have a CD called "The Film Music of Franz Waxman," which has about 14 1/2 minutes of music from "Sayonara" in the cues "Opening," "Eileen," "Katsumi's Theme," and "Street Fight." On the same CD are several tracks from "My Geisha," and some from "Peyton Place" and "Hemingway's Adventures Of A Young Man." It would be great to have a CD of the entire "Sayonara" score.
I've always liked Waxman's music for "Sayonara," which is very reminiscent of his music for "My Geisha." I have a CD called "The Film Music of Franz Waxman," which has about 14 1/2 minutes of music from "Sayonara" in the cues "Opening," "Eileen," "Katsumi's Theme," and "Street Fight." On the same CD are several tracks from "My Geisha," and some from "Peyton Place" and "Hemingway's Adventures Of A Young Man." It would be great to have a CD of the entire "Sayonara" score. Hi Ron, I've noticed a few of your other posts, particularly about theatre, with which I have also had some connection. E-mail me, and we can discuss Waxman, among other things. (address on my profile.) Best, John
Double post