10 themes! 12 pages! I envy you both being retired, and having this sheet music, Ray! Thank you for posting the info. I'm going to keep looking for a copy for myself.
Yes. Retired. All I do is walk around in my bathrobe all day. .... eating Ding-Dongs, watching the Million Dollar Movie, cursing out the window at the neighborhood kids.....
To be serious and make a shameless plug - the film above (mit the bathrobe), DARCY, just premiered on the online streaming service HerFlix. Check it out! It's a very good film despite my portrayal of a rather surly character! https://www.herflix.com/#/videoDetails?videoId=MjoxX3h6MmlyczI2 To be non-serious: They ashcanned their chances with this crowd by not putting you above the title, Ray!
GONE WITH THE WIND (Tara’s Theme) Found the vocal version of this. I found a 1954 "transcription" of the Tara Theme, solo piano. I wonder if this was one of the years that GWTW got re-issued.
also out there: from THE GREAT LIE, "I Have So Much More" (S. Adams)
And then there's this. Good gravy, Ray, what else have you got hidden under that __ of yours?