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Not With My Wife, You Don’t! Vol. 2—Original Soundtrack (1966)
Music by John Williams
Not With <i>My</i> Wife, You Don’t! Vol. 2—Original Soundtrack Not With <i>My</i> Wife, You Don’t! Vol. 2—Original Soundtrack
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Price: $19.95
Limited #: 3000
View CD Page at SAE Store
Line: Silver Age
CD Release: August 2011
Catalog #: Vol. 14, No. 14
# of Discs: 1

Not With My Wife, You Don’t! (1966) was one of a series of sex comedies John Williams scored in the mid ’60s (during his “Johnny” period). A delightful screwball comedy starring George C. Scott and Tony Curtis as rivals for the affection of Italian beauty Virna Lisi, the film was produced and directed by Norman Frank (whose previous credits included Danny Kaye’s The Court Jester and two Bob Hope “Road” films). Co-author Larry Gelbart brought to the screenplay the same mordant wit he would later display in Tootsie and M*A*S*H, and the unlikely pairing of Scott and Curtis generated surprising comedic chemistry.

As was common with Williams’s projects of the period, the score is bursting with catchy tunes. Much of the music is based on two of the three songs he composed for the film with legendary songwriter Johnny Mercer. “Big Beautiful Ball” is a bouncy jazz waltz, and “My Inamorata” is used extensively throughout the score as a love theme. Elsewhere, the music demonstrates the same deft comic touch (encompassing patriotic parody, ethnic strains, and even an operatic spoof) that served the composer so well in Home Alone and countless other films.
FSM reissued the LP re-recording of Not With My Wife, You Don’t! in March 2006. The album program offered a unique and delightful listening experience in its own right, but this CD offers the premiere release of the nearly-complete original film tracks, derived from the original ½″ three-track scoring masters.
Numerous film stills decorate the 16-page booklet, surrounding an essay on film and score by FSM’s “resident Williams authority,” Jeff Eldridge. Not With My Wife, You Don’t! overflows with wit and the contemporary sensibility of film-scoring’s most celebrated maestro. Even fans with Vol. 1 already in their collection will need to buy this sequel because, like Virna Lisi’s character in the film, they will want “two of everything.” One can never have too much John Williams.


John Williams Scores on FSM
About the Composer

John Williams (b. 1932) is not only the composer of most of the biggest blockbusters of all time—including Star Wars, E.T., Jaws, the Indiana Jones films, Harry Potter, Jurassic Park and many more, many of them directed by Steven Spielberg—but he has transcended film music to become the world's most famous living composer, and an American institution. His popular symphonic scores are so iconic that they often overshadow the fact that he has been equally proficient at sophisticated, adult fare (Schindler's List, Images) and had a successful career in composing (for television and often comedy features), arranging and performing well before he even met Steven Spielberg. FSM, like most labels, will release everything it can of Williams's music, and has concentrated (for reasons of availability) on his early years as "Johnny" Williams when he was doing sterling work on relatively little-known television and films—always with an amazing attention to melody and detail. In fact, his early works are fascinating for the ways in which they foreshadow his later, world-renowned efforts. IMDB

Comments (21):Log in or register to post your own comments

Wow! I had no idea this was in the works!!-Vol.-2%E2%80%94Original-Soundtrack/

This is going to end up being an expensive day.

Bring on more Williams I say!

Thanks guys - sold one already!

Cool. I'll order it asap.

Excellent! Many thanks for releasing this one. Thank goodness at least something worthwhile gets released this evening :D

Didn't know about Vol 1 to begin with. Will order soon, should I get Vol 1 as well? Is the LP release that different (I.e. a rerecording?)

Yes, the LP was a re-recording.

This is going to end up being an expensive day.

Bring on more Williams I say!

Thanks guys - sold one already![/endquote]

Children, I just want to day that I love you even if we can't have Christmas/pay the rent/eat this year because all the soundtrack labels go together to take all of daddy's money in August... ;-)

Has there ever been a better time to be a fan of film music?

Never missed a Johnny Williams issue! Besides that was an amazing funny movie (titled "Due assi nella manica" here, with Virna Lisi and not, ehm, Virna Lisa.

Cool news! I definitely plan on getting this, hopefully soon.

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Track List
Click on each musician name for more credits

Leader (Conductor):
John T. Williams

Israel Baker, David Berman, Baldassare Ferlazzo, Noumi / Naomi Fischer, Sam Freed, Jr., Jacques Gasselin, James Getzoff, Howard W. Griffin, Rene C. Hemery, Anatol Kaminsky, Marvin Limonick, Joseph Livoti, Dan Lube, Hillard Lubie, Alexander Murray, Irma W. Neumann, Jerome Joseph Reisler, Sam Ross, Paul C. Shure, Hans Wippler, Harry Zagon

Donald A. Cole, Maurice Keltz, Robert Ostrowsky, Milton Thomas

Margaret Aue-Van Wyck, Marie Fera, Irving Lipschultz, Emmet Sargeant, Joseph Saxon, Harold Schneier, Eleanor Slatkin

John Bambridge, Jr., Peter A. Mercurio, Joseph Mondragon

Justin Gordon, Luella Howard

Bert Gassman, Arnold Koblentz

Dominick Fera, Paul Horn, John Lowe, Ted Nash, Arthur C. Smith

Don Christlieb, Norman H. Herzberg, Jack Marsh

French Horn:
John W. "Jack" Cave, William A. Hinshaw, George W. Hyde, George F. Price, Henry Sigismonti

John Audino, Frank Beach, Pincus "Pinky" Savitt, Larry Sullivan, Raymond Triscari

Karl Dekarske, Francis L. "Joe" Howard, Richard "Dick" Nash, Barrett O'Hara

John Bambridge, Jr., Sam Rice

Ray Sherman

Paul Beaver

Robert F. Bain, Alton R. "Al" Hendrickson, Howard Roberts, Thomas "Tommy" Tedesco, Alfred Viola

Denzil (Gail) Laughton, Anne Stockton (Mason)

Jack A. Preisner

Emil Radocchia (Richards), Chester Ricord, Alvin Stoller, John F. Williams

Orchestra Manager:
Kurt E. Wolff

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