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February 5, 2001:
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Like so many others, I'm deeply saddened tonight to hear of the passing away of Gergely Hubai.
Yes, he could be acerbic. Perhaps even a little misanthropic. He could also be a lot of fun, and we shared a common passion.
We developed a kind of a bond, no pun intended, over the whole, "The Moonraker tapes are not lost," thing. He'd message me privately whenever that came up again to say, "Here's your cue."
He could also be generous. He sent me his copy of the film First Love, with John Barry's score restored, as well as a copy of the rare Morricone scored film, Vergogna Schifosi.
He told me about his interviews with people such as the director of Le Due Stagione Della Vita, and what he learned about Morricone's approach to such films.
He was remarkably well informed, remarkably well researched, possessed some amazing material, and, as we know, he wrote many great booklets to many great CD releases as well as his book, Torn Music.
It's always disturbing to realise someone whose voice you knew will never speak it again.
I didn't realise he was only 39. Given his knowledge, I'd assumed him older than that. It's funny how we can fail to ask each other such simple questions as, "How old are you?"
I will miss you, Gergely, your foibles and all.
I know what I'm writing is not unique, and I have no special privelige to be the one writing this, but I figured Gergely deserved more than a post. I figured he deserved a featured article too.
I put this up in the hope we will remember him and his contribution to our passion.
To quote a famous country doctor, "He's not really dead as long as we remember him."
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Gergely, or G. as I used to call him, was a close friend of mine. He had been the producer of the Morricone.Uncovered recording sessions we did in Budapest in 2012. He was very generous with his time, he even gave me a tour of his city, and over the years we have become friends. Although not a native English speaker, his Americanisms were perfect, and he was easily the best liner notes writer I have ever hired.

I had been in touch with him for a new album we just recorded, and he said he'd just been away for some R&R and would get back to me in a few days. It would never happen. A few days later, his mother Judit emailed me that he had been in the hospital due to a ruptured aorta and been induced into a coma. We prayed for his speedy recovery every night. Now all we can do is pray that his family will find the strength to deal with this tremendous loss.

To quote King Theoden: "No parent should ever have to bury a child."

Thank you for sharing that Robin. I wonder if there's some way for us to let his mother know how much this community feels his loss, for whatever comfort that may be. If you are in contact, I wonder if you might convey that on our behalf?


Thank you for sharing that Robin. I wonder if there's some way for us to let his mother know how much this community feels his loss, for whatever comfort that may be. If you are in contact, I wonder if you might convey that on our behalf?


Of course, Stephen. I already sent Judit and his father Bela an email, expressing my shock, sadness and disbelief. I will send them another message telling her what you have just so kindly expressed.

How did you hear about his passing?

Here is the email I sent to Gergely's parents:

Dear Judit and Béla,

Stephen Woolston, who broke the sad news to the film music world has asked me to convey our condolences, shock and disbelief and how much your son means to the film music community, both as an expert scholar, but mostly a wonderful person whom everybody liked. If you wish to follow the online obituaries, here is the link to the Web site message board: <>.

I have written it before, but he was easily the best writer of liner notes I ever worked with.

You can be proud of your son.

Much love,

Hi again Robin. I actually heard from other fans first. I didn't actually break the news, but I did decide to write the blog article, as I felt it was worth being a blog article as well as a message board thread.

Thank you for conveying this to them.

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Today in Film Score History:
February 8
Akira Ifukube died (2006)
Alan Elliott born (1964)
David Bell records his score for the Star Trek: Voyager episode “Dark Frontier, Part II” (1999)
Joe Raposo born (1937)
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Johnny Mandel records his score for Drums of Africa (1963)
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Planet of the Apes opens in New York (1968)
Richard Markowitz records his score for The Invaders episode “Quantity: Unknown” (1967)
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