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CD Review: Sin City
Posted By: Andrew Granade 9/13/2005 - 10:00 PM

CD Review: Sin City

Sin City *** 1/2


Varèse Sarabande 302 066 6442

24 tracks - 58:16

While it's wonderful when a director takes such obvious care in the placement and selection of music in his films (would that more directors would follow his example), Robert Rodriguez's scores often leave much to
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CD Reviews: The Agony and the Ecstasy and The Adventures of Mark Twain
Posted By: Andrew Granade , Darren MacDonald 5/10/2005 - 10:00 PM

CD Reviews: The Agony and the Ecstasy and The Adventures of Mark Twain

The Agony and the Ecstasy (1965) *****


Varèse Sarabande VCL 1104 1032

21 tracks - 62:18

If you were to ask people with some knowledge of film music to name one score composed by Alex North, the near-universal response would be his rejected score to Comments: 0  (read on)
CD Reviews: Mary Poppins and The Parole Officer
Posted By: Andrew Granade , Cary Wong 3/27/2005 - 10:00 PM

CD Reviews: Mary Poppins and The Parole Officer

Mary Poppins (1964) *****


Walt Disney 61202-7

Disc One: 28 tracks - 79:48    Disc Two: 23 tracks - 74:43

Mary Poppins seems pretty spry for being 40 years old. Released in 1964, Mary Poppins<
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CD Reviews: The Incredibles and The Forgotten
Posted By: Andrew Granade , Cary Wong 2/15/2005 - 10:00 PM

CD Reviews: The Incredibles and The Forgotten

The Incredibles ***



19 tracks - 56:00

Do you remember what it was like waking up on Saturday mornings back when you were a child? How you would climb out of bed before the sun came up, click on the television, and stare at the test patterns until it was time for cartoons to begin
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CD Reviews: A Home at the End of the World, King Arthur and Bobby Jones
Posted By: Andrew Granade , Cary Wong 2/13/2005 - 10:00 PM

CD Reviews: A Home at the End of the World, King Arthur and Bobby Jones

A Home at the End of the World ***


Milan M2-36090

13 tracks - 41:52

This adaptation of Michael (The Hours) Cunningham's novel about a young man's quest for his place in the world will be remembered mainly for the scene where
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CD Reviews: Sky Captain and Vanity Fair
Posted By: Andrew Granade , Cary Wong 1/30/2005 - 10:00 PM

CD Reviews: Sky Captain and Vanity Fair

Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow *** 1/2


Sony Classical – SK9293

18 tracks – 57:40

Edward Shearmur has been waiting in the wings for way too long. When he scored a well-made indie (Wings of the Dove), few peopl
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CD Reviews: The Clearing and The Thorn Birds
Posted By: Andrew Granade , Darren MacDonald 1/18/2005 - 10:00 PM

CD Reviews: The Clearing and The Thorn Birds

The Clearing ** 1/2


Varèse Sarabande 302 066 585 2

25 tracks - 55:17

The fact that Craig Armstrong was tapped to compose the soundtrack for Pieter Jan Brugge's The Clearing should be the first clue that this film does not fit neatly into any one category. After all, Armstro
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CD Reviews: Alias and Gothika
Posted By: Luke Goljan , Andrew Granade 6/6/2004 - 10:00 PM

CD Reviews: Alias and Gothika

Alias *** 1/2


Varèse Sarabande 302 066 521 2

26 tracks - 65:10

Television composers rarely have the luxury of developing themes over a large canvas, as film composers like Howard Shore and Don Davis have been able to do over the past few years. Music written for television is often even more rus
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CD Reviews: Veronica Guerin and The Rundown
Posted By: Andrew Granade , Nick Joy 4/13/2004 - 10:00 PM

CD Reviews: Veronica Guerin and The Rundown

Veronica Guerin ***


Hollywood 5050466-5820-2-7

15 tracks - 41:03

Harry Gregson-Williams is without exception the most interesting composer operating out of the Media Ventures stable. While that forthright statement will undoubtedly garner an equal number of oppos
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CD Reviews: The Cooler and Fog of War
Posted By: Ian D. Thomas , Andrew Granade 2/29/2004 - 10:00 PM

CD Reviews: The Cooler and Fog of War

The Cooler ** 1/2


Commotion/Koch KOC CD 5707

14 tracks - 50:01

The good news is that Mark Isham has a new score out -- the bad news is it only makes up half of this CD release. While it's hard to completely dismiss The Cooler, the half that Isham isn't
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Film Score Monthly Online
The 2025 FSMies
The Century Beyond the Spotlight, Part 1
A Musical Presence
The Madness of Philip Klein
Sounding Off on Sakamoto, Part 1
The Composer Next Door
Counterpoint: These Oscar Noms Are Wicked Good!
Edward-Danger: The Movie
An Elmer Encore
Castle-Trey-Nia: The Revenge
Getting to Know Alan Williams
Ear of the Month Contest: The 2025 FSMies
Today in Film Score History:
February 16
Alec Wilder born (1907)
Dennis McCarthy and Kevin Kiner begin recording their score for the Star Trek: Enterprise episode “Observer Effect” (2004)
Dennis Wilson born (1920)
John Corigliano born (1938)
Kunio Miyauchi born (1932)
Miklos Rozsa begins recording his score for King of Kings (1961)
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