Enterprise Vol 2 is late September or early October. Waiting on final sign off. VOYAGER is January 2017.
VOYAGER is January 2017. Well, that's kind of fun! I remember when Voyager premiered in January of 1995 (frankly, just a few days after my mother died in our home at the young age of 58, so it is an especially poignant memory). It will be fun to have this come out the same month the show premiered, and just exactly 22 years later, which of course is also the, um, age, of the, um...wait, it's that Seven of Nine is two away from nine so double 2 is, um.....................22!!!
Now he's giving the rest of us impatient fans a bad name.
It's probably too late, but I have just come to realize that only 4 or so cues from 'All Good Things...' have ever been released. If 'Encounter At Farpoint' merits 2 releases, surely the TNG series finale deserves a complete release as well. 'What You Leave Behind' certainly does (are the cues on DS9 v1 complete?), and let's say 'Endgame' for completeness. As for 'These Are The Voyages', I'll leave that for finer minds than mine.
'What You Leave Behind' certainly does (are the cues on DS9 v1 complete?) All the important cues are included but it's not a complete release, no. Right, good to know.
Nov 30 MV, may you be kind enough to confirm the release date please?
The cue from TNG's "Time Squared" where Geordi plays the visual log retrieved from the future shuttle. It's an ominous piece that carries the silent scene very well. Dennis McCarthy's scores for "Klingon Encounter" & "Borg Invasion 4-D" at "Star Trek: The Experience" in Las Vegas. Powerful stuff. FYI, "Star Trek: The Experience" was composed by Jay Chattaway, not Dennis McCarthy. Ford A. Thaxton
Congratulations for wasting your time on numerous DS9, VOY and ENT requests. There are not even 15 minutes of DS9/VOY/ENT material on the set altogether. Now wait a minute, there is a VOYAGER set coming in the near future... Ford A. Thaxton