"Pilot" By: Mark Snow https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0HXej0_LHfw Highlights: 8:31 in. Little SFX. 18:36 in. 54:36 in. 1:00:18 in. 1:02:47 in. 1:14:19 in. SFX free until the last seconds. 1:21:12 in. 1:26:45/1:27:40 in. 1:30:08/1:31:47 in. 1:34:44 in. "You Call This Plain Clothes?" By: Nelson Riddle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8t1327sWJPU Highlights: 2:47 in. 10:19 in. 20:40 in. 31:07 in. 34:30 in. 37:04 in. 42:58 in. 45:10 in. Those who don't like or just don't care for his "Batman" work, no need to worry, this doesn't sound like "Batman". Cagney: To Lacey, "Would you care to say a few words into my cleavage?" "Pop Used to Work Chinatown" By: Nelson Riddle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lol2nIkLCvI Highlights: 1:20 in. 15:37 in. 20:39 in. 32:33 in. 35:29 in. And after the commercial break (this one is mostly SFX free). 43:51 in. "You see the price on those oranges? Twenty-three cents a pound!" "Beyond the Golden Door" By: Nelson Riddle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvM8ijPrAdc Highlights: 1:14 in. 11:56 in. 13:52/2046 in. 23:15 in. 25:41 in. 32:35 in. 39:56 in. 41:06 in. 45:16 in.
Finishing SEASON 2:
As before, all loads this season are slowed down. "Recreational Use" By: Miles Goodman https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6hk0it This is Goodman's final effort for the series. Highlights: 2:09 in. 14:46 in. 28:44/31:00 in. Piano and strings, with some woodwinds, opening tender and then becoming uneasy. 29:40 in. 42:19 in. 45:48 in. 47:25 in. "Hopes and Dreams" By: Dana Kaproff https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6hk0lx Highlights: 11:45 in. 47:50 in. That's all but one cue. "The Grandest Jewel Thief of Them All" By: Dana Kaproff https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6hk0nz Highlights: 2:09 in. Montage cue with mainly strings and brass. 14:51 in. 19:35/22:07 in. 36:17 in. A strings piece. 38:37 in. Strings only, sounding kind of like classical music. 42:22 in. More strings-only scoring. 46:53 in. Yet more strings only. 51:36 in. Still only strings. 55:40 in. The complete score should be released. "Affirmative Action" By: Dana Kaproff https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6hq7t4 Highlights: 0:00 in. 2:09 in. Strings a flute, sounding very classical-music like. 17:45 in. 47:54 in. 52:15 in. 56:30 in. "Open and Shut Case" By: Dana Kaproff https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6hq7tg Highlights: 2:10 in. Piano and strings. 56:00 in. I think I only found three cues in the episode. "Jane Doe #37" By: Dana Kaproff https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6hq7uj Highlights: 2:10 in. 26:23/38:21/50:47 in. 30:20 in. About 40:30 in. "Date Rape" By: Dana Kaproff https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6hvpax Highlights: 53:51 in. If I were compiling a set of season two scoring, I'd skip this episode score. "Burn Out" By: Dana Kaproff https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6hvpd6 Highlights: 2:10 in. Piano tinkling down like rain, with strings, followed by some chugging cellos and brass farts. 8:26 in. 14:50 in. 18:35 in. 22:28 in. 26:42 in. 36:37 in. Brass, timpani and strings for some rare action music. 51:12 in. Some chase music lead by piano and strings. "Chop Shop" By: Mark Snow https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6hvpdk Highlights: 2:10 in. 14:04 in. 28:50 in. 54:48 in. "Let Them Eat Pretzels" By: Richard Lewis Warren https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6i6j1d This is Warren's only effort for the series. Highlights: 2:10 in. Some ethnic percussion over some strings, for some foreign intrigue sound. About 4:00 in. Catchy upbeat music with strings, woodwinds, plucked strings, and triangle. 14:00 in. 16:00 in. The dining restaurant music. 20:25 in. 27:27/28:58 in. 34:28 in. 38:14 in. Some chase music with ethnic percussion. That's nearly the entire score. "The Gang's All Here" By: Matthew McCauley https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6i6j36 This is McCauley's only effort for the series. Highlights: 2:10 in. 50:40 in. About 55:40 in. Aside from source pieces, that's all the score sans one cue. "A Cry for Help" By: Dana Kaproff https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6i6j64 Highlights: 2:32 in. 25:58 in. 31:27 in. 43:56 in. 55:51 in. Lightly whimsical piece with plucked strings mainly. "The Informant" By: Dana Kaproff https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6i81p1 Highlights: 0:00 in. 2:44 in. The C&L version of the "NYPD Blue" theme. 28:40 in. Featuring a rare TV episode score appearance of the water chime. 38:21 in. Some chase music. 49:01 in. Also has some more chase music (frantic strings , with brass). 54:14 in. Sad solo piano piece. Lacey: "You play in the gutter, you get your hands dirty."
Finishing SEASON 3:
"The Bounty Hunter" By: Ron Ramin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dNsS5bPeolQ Highlights: 0:00 in. 22:06 in. 28:18 in. 35:20 in. And the cue after the commercial break (SFX free). 47:11 in. "Baby Broker" By: Mark Snow https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u7V2viYCXbY Highlights: 1:49 in. Also featuring some chase music 46:25 in. "Partners" By: Andrea Saparoff https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ALjZzexGXw This is Saparoff's only effort for the series. Highlights: 0:00 in. 1:50 in. 4:13 in. More of that material heard in the first highlight. 7:05 in. 10:22 in. 42:23 in. 46:30 in. I think I cited every single cue in the episode, so I might as well say the whole score should be released. "Choices" By: Dana Kaproff https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6deDaA-GqQ Highlights: 0:00 in. 21:35 in. Tender and delicate piece with piano, some acoustic guitar and some strings. 32:01 in. I think that was nearly the entire score. That's it -- season two was that short!
Since there is so little scoring in each episode, I am able to do the entire season today, and have time to move on to season five. "Child Witness" By: Dana Kaproff https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75xNdA8MZLA Highlights: 0:00 in. 1:49 in. 11:56/14:51/28:32 in. 46:43 in. "Heat" This episode has no score, so no composer is credited. The score in the opening showing what is going to happen on this episode, is tracked from a prior episode. There were a small number of later episodes which also have no composer credited, but I don't know if they are tracked or score-less (I'll find out).
"Insubordination" By: Ron Ramin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Le-AX8SiOQ Highlights: About 2:00 in. 9:11 in. 16:53 in. Over two minutes of mainly strings that reminds me of a cue from "The Thorn Birds". 22:47 in. Including some chase music. 42:01 in. 46:18 in. I think I cited every single cue, except maybe a restaurant source piece, so I might as well say the whole score should be released. "Old Debts" By: Dana Kaproff https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yw8o7992FOk Highlights: 9:24 in. 14:39/22:45 in. Solo piano and solo flute piece. 33:18 in. 38:10 in. Guest-starring Jonathan Banks. And the guy who played the dad on "Nash Bridges". "Fathers & Daughters" By: Ron Ramin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JU39aazTMSo Highlights: 0:00 in. 2:04 in. About 7:25 in. "Taxicab Murders" By: Mark Snow https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RL00esAjNu8 This is Snow's final effort for the series. Highlights: 1:49 in. 29:45 in. 36:26 in. 42:29 in. "Unusual Occurence" By: Dana Kaproff https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79ef8mgtqsg Highlights: About 4:25 in. 45:06 in. There were only four cues in the episode. "Thank God It's Monday" By: Dana Kaproff https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4iaJc_TVmM Highlights: 0:00 in. 2:04 in. Classical music-sounding string work. 12:50/33:38/38:43 in. Classical music-sounding piano work. And strings added in the following pieces. 44:25 in. 47:17 in. I think I cited every cue, so I might as well say the whole score should be released. "Hooked" By: Ron Ramin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lqnBaIESxyg Highlights: 5:08 in. Piano, strings and a flute. 6:13 in. 39:59 in. 43:44 in. I only skipped one short cue leading to a commercial break. "Lady Luck" By: Angela Morley https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzmn4jJvBsw This is Morley's only effort for the series. Highlights: 0:00 in. 1:48 in. 4:40 in. 11:59 in. 21:19 in. Nearly SFX free cue. 32:12 in. 35:07 in. Short but good. 47:00 in. That's the entire score I cited, so the entire score should be released. "Out of Control" By: Ian Freebairn-Smith https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDEW08VjahU This is Freebairn-Smith's only effort for the series. Highlights: 0:00 in. 10:46 in. I think that was all the score I found. "American Dream" By: Ron Ramin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5d1H25Y1r4 Highlights: 1:48 in. About 14:47 in. 18:43 in. 34:27 in. 38:40 in. Including some action/chase music. 46:32 in. I think I cited every cue, so I might as well say the whole score should be released. "Happily Ever After" By: Dana Kaproff https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=imz14rlyqW0 Highlights: 0:00 in. 2:04 in. Upbeat yet restrained classical-sounding string work. 4:13/13:05 in. 22:47 in. Except the source pieces, that's the entire score I cited. The whole score should be released. "Rules of the Game" By: Ron Ramin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulfi3rAwli8 Highlights: 1:16 in. 25:58 in. 43:59 in. 46:55 in. That's every single cue I cited, so I might as well say the whole score should be released. "Stress" By: Dana Kaproff Highlights: 1:17 in. 6:43 in. 31:51 in. 35:35 in. 40:41 in. I think I cited every cue, so I might as well say the whole score should be released. "Who Says It's Fair: Part 1" By: Dana Kaproff https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B5TLZFoNAc8 Highlights: 0:00 in. 1:59 in. 30:32/33:09 in. 38:31 in. 41:19/43:47 in. 45:28 in. 47:25 in. That's every single cue I cited, so I might as well say the whole score should be released. "Who Says It's Fair: Part 2" By: Dana Kaproff https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Buaxzkwr4HQ Highlights: 1:17 in. 3:31/15:52/30:13 in. 23:23 in. 43:19 in. 46:40 in. That's every single cue I cited (minus radio source music, which is probably original material), so I might as well say the whole score should be released. "Lost and Found" By: Ron Ramin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ho_MgduKiZI Highlights: 0:00 in. 1:48 in. 13:39 in. 16:18 in. 27:23 in. 36:26 in. 43:43 in. 47:08 in. That's every single cue I cited (minus source music), so I might as well say the whole score should be released. "Two Grand" By: Dana Kaproff https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q81tRRhk0c0 Highlights: 16:52 in. 46:39 in. Minus the string quartet players which I assume were playing existing classical work (27:10 in), that's all the score. "Con Games" By: Ron Ramin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZnFyLJC1Oqc Highlights: 0:00 in. 33:11 in. 36:32 in. 45:33 in. That's every single cue I cited, so I might as well say the entire score should be released. "Violation" By: Dana Karpoff Highlights: 0:00 in. 1:48 in. 20:28 in. 23:06 in. 40:03 in. Mark: "But Dennis Becky showed a spontaneous gesture of humanitarianism; he paid a hundred dollars for an authentic Barry Manilow shirt." That's every single cue I cited, so I might as well say the entire score should be released. "Organized Crime" By: Nan Schwartz https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrgVpIeD1EU Highlights: 0:00 in. 1:50 in. 6:12 in. 19:16 in. 31:08 in. 41:51/42:54 in. 47:09 in. That's all but one or two cues I cited. This score was nominated for an Emmy, but lost. The other competition that year: "Miami Vice" Episode: Evan" (the Hammer) "Dynasty" Episode: "Triangles" (Angela Morley) "St. Elsewhere" Episode: "Fade to White" (J.A.C. Redford) "Murder, She Wrote" Episode: "Murder of Sherlock Holmes" (John Addison) WINNER This was the only score in the series to get a nomination, which is odd considering the quality of the scoring. There should have been more nominations and wins. I'm going to say it now rather than wait until I am done with the show: This is some of the finest scoring of any TV series.
Whoa! Interesting and varied composer lineup, on this show... Yavar
Make sure you check out the scoring, Yavar, and then comment and let us know what you think and if you're on the C&L bandwagon. I've edited my above post to include the rest of the highlights, after the episode "The Lottery".
I have a great many of Dana's scores here. When he moved to NY he left all his tapes for safekeeping with me.
You're welcome. And Loretta Swift played her in the pilot.
Yeah the recasting of a main character seems to apply not only to the actresses playing the character, but the character itself! "Actress Loretta Swit played the role of Christine Cagney in the original television movie (October 1981), but was forced to decline the role in the series when the producers of M*A*S*H refused to let her out of her contract. When the movie was picked up as a series, first airing with six episodes as a midseason replacement in the spring of 1982, Meg Foster portrayed the character. When the show was picked up for a regular season in 1982, Foster was replaced with Sharon Gless because CBS deemed Foster too aggressive and too likely to be perceived as a lesbian by the viewers.[2] CBS executives hoped Gless would portray Cagney as more conventionally "feminine" and attempted to pressure the producers to remake Christine into a more "high-class", snobbish woman from wealthy parents. Barney Rosenzweig and Barbara Corday initially refused to change Christine Cagney from a tough, witty, working-class woman. Shortly into Gless's tenure on the program, Rosenzweig and Corday compromised with the network brass." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cagney_&_Lacey I have my hands pretty full for the next couple months, but I'll check out some episodes when I can. I gotta say, it's a little bizarre that Mark Snow scored the pilot (he's older than I thought!) when I associate him more with modern shows like The X-Files and Smallville, but Nelson Riddle succeeded him scoring regular episodes of the show, when I associate him more with, well, the 60s Batman! Yavar
Yeah I'd already checked out his IMDb. It's just surprising to me (even though now I know he's only a couple decades younger than Riddle), that Mark (X-Files, including the current iteration) Snow wrote the pilot score for a show that was later scored by Nelson (60s Batman) Riddle. Yavar
"Schedule One" By: Dana Kaproff https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AxA15cAzwIs Highlights: 0:00 in. 2:54 in. 23:13/25:20/28:00 (there are some brief lulls in the cue)/39:06 in. "Culture Clash" By: Ron Ramin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xudJfMx2eng Highlights: 0:00 in. 14:34/25:06 in. 27:02 in. 40:19 in. "Sorry, Right Number" By: Dana Kaproff https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6kt-X4HJIlk Highlights: 27:11 in. 32:46/33:54/35:52/44:55 in. "Disenfranchised" By: Ron Ramin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCn7x6hQj8c Highlights: 0:00 in. 2:02 in. A cue that starts out with child-like innocents, then starts to turn dark. 3:35 in. 12:16 in. 14:50 in. Upbeat but restrained brief montage cue. 20:30/26:06 in. 30:04 in. 44:09 in. I think I cited every cue, so I might as well say the whole score should be released. I've said it before, but I got to say it again: Mr. Ramin is a really talented composer. NO LOAD FOUND. "Role Call" By: Dana Kaproff "The Zealot" By: Ron Ramin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJAmvLaJ4i8 Highlights: 0:00 in. 2:02 in. 13:42 in. 15:48 in. 20:47 in. 45:53 in. I think I cited every cue, so I might as well say the whole score should be released. "The Marathon" By: John Debney https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EgxfdRDUV4M This is Debney's only effort for the series. Highlights: 2:02 in. 13:07 in. 16:41 in. 20:35 in. 25:00/26:30 in. Short fast-paced spirited montage cue. The next one is similar (in the opening) and would naturally go together. 29:44/31:22 in. And after the commercial break. 38:28 in. 39:19 in. 45:30 in. That's most of the score. At the time he was doing a lot of Disney stuff, even Winnie the Pooh. Sing along! Yes it is true, he was scoring the Pooh, every day at Disney corner. "Rites of Passage" By: Ron Ramin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyOCBg_8jhA Highlights: 0:00 in. 6:57 in. 10:00 in. 35:00 in. 38:52 in. 43:52 in. 46:32 in. "Revenge" By: Dana Kaproff https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EvbjRkyxPbw Highlights: 6:33 in. 11:05 in. 17:18 in. 20:39 in. 35:54 in. About 42:40 in. 46:16 in. "The Rapist: Part 2" By: Shirley Walker https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sn2xy8Pn358 This is Walker's final effort for the series. Highlights: 7:34/8:01 in. 30:05 in. 31:19 in. 40:54 in. 43:26 in. 44:33 in. 46:55 in. Yeah, it's a short outro cue, but it's nice. That's everything except two short cues. It's good, but it's not a top tier effort. Maybe a borderline second tier effort. Nothing says "Christmas" like an episode about a rapist. Copied from my "The Shirley Walker Odyssey" thread: https://www.filmscoremonthly.com/board/posts.cfm?threadID=124520&forumID=1&archive=0 "Cost of Living" By: Dana Kaproff https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3SpbdX82Hw Highlights: 0:00 in. 15:00 in. 6:49 in. 22:40 in. 34:24 in. 36:38 in. "Waste Deep" By: Ron Ramin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHFhrNaZMsU Highlights: 2:02 in. 32:10 in. 33:48 in. 36:48/38:58 in. 46:28 in. "Favors" By: Dana Kaproff https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8uQcdBxCtEM Highlights: 0:00 in. 6:22/31:08 in. 7:38 in. 34:52 in. "Ahead of the Game" By: Dana Kaproff https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmuAcq3aFYE Highlights: 0:00 in. 2:02 in. I'd probably skip this one on a set of season six scoring. 15:42 in. 39:28 in. 44:30 in. "Easy Does It" By: Ron Ramin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mgy5qddC8Ac Highlights: 0:00 in. 2:02 in. 12:49 in. 15:55 in. 28:47 in. 34:14 in. 40:32 in. 45:55/46:47 in. "To Sir, with Love" By: Ron Ramin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ce48chKexNY Highlights: 0:00 in. 2:13/3:58/6:41/13:50/30:05/31:15/34:12/44:22 in. 16:54 in. 42:09 in. I think I cited all the whole score (minus source pieces), so I might as well say the whole score should be released. The multiple examples one works in order, surprisingly, so it could be a suite. "Divine Couriers" By: Dana Kaproff https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3qRVnGntXfU Highlights: 0:00 in. 28:47/30:41 in. 39:30 in. 45:19 in. Old Despost: "I may be a Marxist, but a buck is a buck." "Right to Remain Silent" By: Dana Kaproff https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mr_nrhxr9gw Highlights: 0:00 in. 3:25 in. 13:27/18:36 in. 34:12 in. "Special Treatment" By: Ron Ramin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dwcym0txvR4 Highlights: 2:02/5:52/14:15 in. 8:35 in. 25:38 in. 28:49 in. 38:45 in. "Happiness Is a Warm Gun" By: Ron Ramin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZQFHWQmxxQ Highlights: 25:20 in. 32:30 in. 39:40 in. Short but nice. "Turn, Turn, Turn: Part 1" By: Dana Kaproff https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iN816l9BN_s Highlights: 2:17 in. 16:51 in. 28:24 in. 33:23 in. "Turn, Turn, Turn: Part 2" By: Dana Kaproff https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-0f4x-TJ6o Highlights: 0:00 in. 46:21 in.