October should be a month of thrillers, closing with Halloween, so that's what my TV show threads will reflect. Hope you all enjoy. Attention readers: I have been implementing a new system that is nothing more than a note to myself; for cues that I want to include in a suite one day, for now on I will denote them with ^ symbol. It has no special meaning to anyone else but myself. No, the lack of an up arrow symbol doesn't mean the cue is bad (it just may have too much SFX or FX for suite use or just isn't worth my time to edit and include). Hence forth this system will be in all future threads and pre-exiting threads that I go back to for missed episodes. Anything in ( ) are just notes to the arrow and you need not bother with that. "Lady Killer" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5rhmL6zZoM Legal load of the first episode from Shout! Factory, who released the series on DVD. They put some free episodes of series they do, on their Youtube page. Highlights: 0:49 in. 25:19 in.^ 27:02 in. 32:38 in.^ 34:06 in. 45:29 in. 54:10 in. 58:53 in.^ 1:02:12 in.^ 1:04:44 in. "Possession" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJdEgssK3gc Highlights: 10:14 in.^ 27:47 in. 31:05 in. 36:37 in.^ 42:50 in.^ 50:59 in.^ 56:16 in. 1:00:55 in. 1:03:33 in.^ 1:04:08 in.^ "Someone at the Top of the Stairs" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQAyhCpLWJQ Highlights: 0:38 in.^ 17:15 in.^ 19:09 in. The weird source music.^ 21:28 in.^ 33:34 in.^ 54:52 in. 1:07:14 in. "An Echo of Theresa" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpiIC-AWb6g (in another language) Highlights: 5:27 in.^ 26:12 in.^ 33:08 in.^ 46:36 in. 57:46 in. 1:03:58 in. "The Colour of Blood" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gQRrW1YNbNU Highlights: 0:16 in.^ 3:26 in.^ 20:35 in. 29:28 in.^ 30:56 in.^ 35:14 in.^ 47:37 in.^ 48:11 in.^ 49:37 in.^ 50:28 in.^ 1:00:37 in. 1:02:18 in.^ 1:05:09 in.^ (Note to Me: 56:22)
This series aired on "A.B.C. Wide World Of Entertainment" in the U.S. and Randall Larson got this series confused with the Revue Television series that aired from 1960 to 1962 in his first edition of "Musique Fantastique".
Finishing SEASON 1:
"Murder in Mind" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mksPqqHs648 Highlights: 9:40 in.^ 11:19 in.^ 14:09 in.^ 19:23 in. 1:02:10 in. Striking opening music (sadly nothing else like it inside the episode).^ 1:05:55 in. Reprised opening music, with little changes.^ 0:30 in is classical music. We later see the LP sleeve, noting it's by Bartok. It gets played a couple more times. "A Place to Die" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mYiKmRcGH9Q Highlights: 0:33 in.^ 2:27 in. Lovely pleasant material.^ 16:18 in.^ 23:10 in. And the cue after the commercial break. The second one is more of that lovely pleasant material.^(second) 37:06 in.^ 41:02 in. 46:02/46:52 in.^ 53:31 in.^ 55:36 in.^ 57:26 in.^ 1:04:49/1:05:39 in. 1:08:50 in.^ 1:11:44 in.^ "File It Under Fear" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqay90BVF6c Highlights: 15:57 in. 25:47 in. 27:53 in. Joining a cue already in progress.^ 31:05 in.^ 32:00 in.^ 39:52 in. 52:50 in. 56:57 in. 59:08 in. 1:05:04 in. 1:08:37 in.^ 1:12:10 in.^ Old Woman: "I do like a nice murder." "The Eyes Have It" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZCdLU4BsM8 Highlights: 4:36 in.^ 17:45 in.^ 19:25 in.^ 27:07 in.^ 34:58 in. With lower octave piano and snare drum.^(parts) 36:42 in. More lower octave piano and snare drum.^ 38:51 in.^(39:13) 47:40 in.^ 49:23 in. 50:51 in. 57:08 in. 59:40 in. 1:04:53 in. 1:05:58 in.^ 1:08:24 in. 1:09:58 in. Most of it is on a bad repeat.^ This episode answers: how does a group of blind people stop an assassination by a group of terrorists? "Spell of Evil" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PCQSQIram1M Highlights: 0:39 in.^ 4:49 in. 14:10 in. 24:31 in. 35:44 in.^ 43:28 in. 50:24 in. 53:57 in. 1:04:07 in. 1:07:10 in. 1:10:46 in. On repeat though. You'll find the stopping point. Might be an excerpt from the above cue.
"Only a Scream Away" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y119zYdwCzg Highlights: 1:35 in.^ 7:24 in.^ 9:45 in.^ 14:41 in.^ 18:29 in.^ 21:08 in.^ 24:54 in.^ 26:44 in. 27:57 in. 30:45 in. 37:29 in.^ 41:27 in.^ 46:37 in.^ 50:29 in.^ 55:01 in. 57:29 in. 1:03:19 in.^ 1:05:05 in.^(1:05:49) 1:08:52 in.^ "Once the Killing Starts" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zEtm4DIDcjo Highlights: 7:44 in. 9:07 in. 11:56 in.^ 26:09 in.^ 28:52 in.^ 33:46 in. 34:42 in.^ 37:11 in.^ 39:17 in.^ 42:48 in. 47:26 in.^ 54:52 in.^ 57:05 in.^ 58:15 in.^ 1:00:41 in.^ 1:03:03 in.^ 1:04:19 in.^ 1:07:38 in. I think this is just a re-praise of the above cue, only no FX.^ "Kiss Me and Die" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2FEhPYkYts Highlights: 0:39 in. 6:56 in.^ 13:42 in.^ 32:07 in. 33:15 in. 37:10 in. 38:25 in.^ 56:49 in. 1:02:46 in.^ 1:04:25 in. Including a water chime.^ 1:09:03 in.^ (NtM: 15:35) "One Deadly Owner" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOpovUNIz18 Highlights: 0:40 in.^ 3:33 in. And the source cue that immediately follows it (some kind of laid-back jazz/soft rock weird combo).^ 12:11 in. Some dramatic material.^ 16:15 in. Some moody tension music for things happening at night.^ 19:22 in. 30:25 in.^ 32:42 in. 34:07 in. 45:31 in. 48:23 in. 52:54 in.^ 55:39 in.^ 59:35 in. 1:03:13 in.^ 1:05:00/1:07:02/1:07:47 in. The second and third are alternate cues for alternate cuts of the episode.^ 1:08:39 in. Original end credits with the dropped music.^
I noticed that you changed the header. Who is Paul Clay? Jay My understanding is that Paul Clay functioned as a music editor on this series. I think what he did was to track Johnson's music into those segments which did not have any original compositions for them.
Paul B. Cay was a music coordinator and then later on a music supervisor on the series, however, while verifying credits, I found he is credited for one episode score, so I added him to the title. And it's a good score, too.
Finishing SEASON 2:
"Ring Once for Death" (A.K.A.: "Death in Small Doses") https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Zcr6M89HNo Highlights: 0:52 in.^ 1:59 in.^ 5:30 in. 8:34 in. 10:17 in.^ 12:11 in. 13:41 in. 16:26 in. 18:28 in. 21:12 in. 30:32 in.^ 35:47 in.^ 40:37 in.^ 42:42 in.^ 52:10 in.^ 57:05 in.^ 1:00:15 in.^ 1:01:57 in. 1:04:07 in.^ 1:05:27 in.^ 1:09:34 in.^ Ohhh, I love an evil butler. And well cast, too. Worth watching the whole thing as opposed to just the parts during the highlights. Evil Butler: "I assure you: You won't live to regret it." Evil Butler: "Fire is your great leveler; makes no distinction between master and bondsman." "K is for Killing" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11WjUEcUclg (Note to Me: Find a better quality load) Highlights: 0:18 in.^ 4:41 in.^ 12:55 in. 17:44 in.^ 22:25 in. 26:33 in. 30:10 in.^ 31:54 in. 36:51 in.^ 40:28 in. 46:18 in.^ 48:09 in.^ 51:44/52:52 in.^ 57:13 in.^ 59:57 in. 1:02:35 in. I could not find a load with the original opening/closing credits. One of the best scores of the series so far, which isn't many since while episodes had good cues and I noted them, many episodes before were kind of all over the place on consistency and cohesive music. The use of jazz stylings and an upbeat re-occurring theme, are all good fun. The evil butler episode score above was also one of the best. "Sign it Death" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DY-SiCmHXM4 Highlights: 1:41 in.^ 5:00 in.^ 9:02 in.^ 11:37 in.^ 12:41 in. On an official release, I think this cue and the above one go together.^ 13:54 in. I might even put this one of the end of the two above.^ 15:14 in. 17:52 in. 1:00:50 in. 1:03:23 in. 1:04:48 in.^ 1:07:24 in.^ The moody woodwind cues sound a lot like Herrmann. Perhaps another contender for a good score. "Golden rule, lad: Move first, think afterwards." "Who Killed Lamb?" NO COMPOSER CREDITED https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_F15hNuVoA Highlights: 59:40 in. NOTE: This is a very unusual entry. This "episode" was added to the show in re-runs and put on DVD as an episode of the series, but not only was it not part of the original series, it's made by an entirely different production company and not like the rest of the episodes. This has no businesses being connected to the show. There is no composer credited, so it's a track job. And there's very little tracked. I cited a tracked cue simply because I liked it. Not even IMDb had a list of the tracked music (sometimes you can find that for episodes of British series; somebody has a lot of free time on their hands!).
"A Coffin for the Bride" (A.K.A.: "Kiss, Kiss, Kill, Kill!") https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pazZqHLAK0 Highlights: 0:39 in. 2:59 in.^ 9:50 in. 12:24 in.^ 35:11 in. 47:36 in. 58:05 in.^ 1:05:03 in. A surprisingly funky cue given how the rest of the episode score was not like this (except the end credits music below).^ 1:08:36 in.^ Man alive this guy has a raging murder boner. At least he gets some good comeuppance. (NtM: 23:45, 24:04) "Plenty of people think you need a body to prove murder, Walker, but take it from me ... you don't." "I'm the Girl He Wants to Kill" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LKEraHUtJc Deleted Scenes:: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVAwuTXV9Lo Highlights: 0:53 in.^ 8:05 in.^ 11:35 in.^ 15:14 in. With some jazzy chase music including two or three sax's, lower octave piano, and cymbal tapping and swishes.^ * 21:31 in.^ 22:48 in. Moody piece opening with three flutes.^ 25:26 in.^ 26:51 in.^ 32:04 in.^ 34:10 in.^ 41:30 in. More jazzy score.^ 42:08 in.^ 44:36 in. More jazzy score.^ 51:09 in. Including dissonant sax' clusters. A very effective creepy cue and rather unique sounding.^ 54:51 in. More jazzy score.^ 56:10 in. 57:46 in.^ 1:00:58 in.^ Deleted Scenes: in. in. Surely another contender for one of the series' best episode scores. * = I hate stupid, stupid, stupid shit like this in productions: Where a woman is being chased and instead of yelling for help, telling people she's being chased by a murderer, and even letting her boss know what happened, she stays quiet. This doesn't reflect any reality I know of. And it's even worse in this episode: instead of running to help or safety, she ran to work so he would know where she works. Lord. Even Rod Serling is rolling his eyes in his grave. And the stupidity doesn't end. She just needs to die, get it over with. I'm now rooting for the bad guy. "Death to Sister Mary" (A.K.A.: "Murder is a One-Act Play") https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNaWRzRrjxE Highlights: 1:31 in. 3:35 in. 4:27 in.^ 7:08 in.^ 11:23 in.^ 13:53 in:.^ 16:24 in. 19:50 in.^ 22:20 in.^ 24:51 in. 36:58 in.^ 45:24 in.^ 46:54 in. 51:00 in.^ 56:03 in. 58:26 in. 1:02:44 in.^ 1:05:50 in. 1:08:52 in.^
Paul B. Cay was a music coordinator and then later on a music supervisor on the series, however, while verifying credits, I found he is credited for one episode score, so I added him to the title. And it's a good score, too. There's long been debate about Paul Clay's role. He is also credited for the music (apart from the theme) for the ITC series 'The Adventurer' but I think the general opinion has always been that he was an editor or music supervisor (a role he occupied in later 'Columbo' seasons too, by which time he'd moved to the USA) and not a composer. 'Who Killed Lamb' was actually a stand-alone episode which was presented as a 'Thriller' but was in fact produced by Yorkshire TV and not, as I recall, anything really to do with the Brian Clemens series. Anyone interested in 'Thriller' may be interested in the book A THRILLER IN EVERY CORNER by Martin Marshall. It is a very detailed book about the production of the series, as well as being a very large book: https://www.lulu.com/en/gb/shop/martin-marshall/a-thriller-in-every-corner/paperback/product-vqd6n5.html?page=1&pageSize=4
Finishing SEASON 3:
"In the Steps of a Dead Man" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mmBahaMV1gs Highlights: 0:32 in.^ 9:00 in. 10:42 in. 15:53 in. 24:27 in.^ 30:42 in.^ 32:39 in. 40:33 in. 47:28 in.^ 54:46 in. 1:00:48 in.^ 1:03:29 in. 1:04:42 in.^ 1:08:35 in.^ "Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thOKC6JhoX4 Deleted Scenes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uAbzprOgMJc Highlights: 2:06 in.^ 4:27 in.^ 9:08 in. 16:00 in.^ 27:43 in. 35:39 in.^ 37:22 in. 47:50 in.^(parts) 51:54 in. 53:36/56:10 in.^(parts) 1:01:26 in.^ 1:05:24 in. Not really worth hearing until the dramatic material kicks in at the time noted after the up arrow. I hope that breathing sound was recorded separately!^(1:06:25) Deleted Scenes: 0:47 in.^ 4:08 in. Weird how one opening has no comma after the second "Come Out" in the title, but the original does. "The Next Scream You Hear" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tlFB_0Qa8vU Deleted Scenes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFrHdqarxzU Highlights: 0:16 in.^ 2:49 in.^ 11:33 in.^ 14:58 in. I might connect this cue to the above cue, on a set of season three scoring.^ 17:25 in.^ 21:03 in.^ 25:09 in.^ 28:22 in.^ 33:05 in. 43:17 in.^ in. in. Deleted Scenes: 1:46 in.^ 3:08 in.^ 4:28 in. A good fun cue, but I think it could be tracked from a prior episode.^ NOTE: No load with the original opening and closing credits could be found.
"Screamer" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUax7P8QvnI Highlights: 2:51 in. 8:11 in.^ 13:00 in.^ 14:46 in. 22:37 in. 27:05 in.^ 32:31 in. 38:28 in. 41:30 in.^ 44:41 in. 47:47 in.^ 50:03 in. 52:42 in. 54:31 in. 55:55 in.^ 1:01:34 in.^ 1:03:14 in. "Nurse Will Make It Better" (A.K.A.: "The Devil's Web") https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oh11fpCFt94 Highlights: 9:20 in. 18:36 in. 26:44 in. She wanked that bottle until it blew. 27:36 in. 37:12 in. 42:04 in.^ 43:25 in.^ 44:40 in. 52:06 in. 1:05:16 in.^ 1:08:59 in.^ (NtM: 50:50) "Night is the Time for Killing" (A.K.A.: "Murder on the Midnight Express") https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVad9TaYs2Q Highlights: 2:46 in.^ 4:31 in.^(4:44) 10:38 in. 17:58 in. 24:01 in. 25:45 in. 28:47 in.^ 36:09 in. 37:59 in.^ 45:03 in. 48:43 in.^ 55:40 in.^ 58:30 in. Over three minutes long.^ 1:03:59 in.^ 1:04:14 in. Another funky opening cue at odds with the rest of the score, but highly enjoyable though.^ 1:06:41 in. More of the above.^ 1:07:12 in. And the funky stuff for the original end credits, too.^ Another contender for one of the series' best episode scores. If one had all the cues, there just might be a logical way to arrange most (if not all) of the score into one flowing suite.
Finishing SEASON 4:
"Killer with Two Faces" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGBzu_586DY Highlights: 0:42 in.^ 5:44 in.^ 17:07 in.^ 20:25 in. 22:41 in. 24:56 in. 28:17 in. 37:33 in. 40:27 in. 41:41 in. 43:57 in.^ 48:21 in. 53:38 in. 59:13 in. 1:04:24 in.^ 1:08:03 in.^ "A Killer in Every Corner" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ouUcw3rrFvI Highlights: 2:07 in.^ 6:02 in.^ 7:14 in.^ 12:44 in. 14:13 in.^ 15:36 in. 21:17 in.^ 22:01 in.^(open/23:40/25:07) 26:55 in.^ 32:05 in. 34:08 in.^ 36:54 in.^ 45:21 in. 46:45 in.^ 48:47 in.^ 51:55 in. 56:18 in.^ 58:58 in.^(parts) 1:01:26 in. 1:03:09 in.^ 1:04:36 in.^ 1:06:25 in.^ 1:07:53 in.^ Perhaps another contender for one of the series' best scores. Or at least a second tier effort. This is the second episode I have noticed where he gets a "Music by" credit, whereas every other episode it is "Music Composed by". 10:40 in: hot blonde girl alert. Out-of-context quote... Woman: "It's enormous..." "Where the Action Is" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrMZMkqufKU Shout! Factory legal load: https://www.shoutfactorytv.com/thriller/thriller-s4-e6-where-the-action-is/5ba3c89ae43f9012d400da82 Highlights: 1:20 in.^ 3:08 in.^ 8:38 in. 11:12 in.^ 13:27 in. 18:22 in.^ 25:30 in.^ 32:42 in.^ 37:14 in.^ 40:09 in.^ 41:55 in. 42:44 in.^ 44:19 in.^ 54:34 in.^ 57:20 in. 1:02:05 in. Congas and staccato sax's lead this very different effort from the series. Surely one of the series' best scores. I could not find a load with the original opening/closing credits. For the guys here: 23:30 in. You're welcome.
I have covered the episodes where no composer is credited in the remake end credits. I am assuming some episodes have a credited composer in the original closing credits, which has popped up a time or two. "Sleepwalker" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_jTMjFjlQ8 Highlights: 0:33 in.^ 2:21 in. 7:35 in.^ 16:04 in. 17:07 in. 20:06 in. 25:20 in. 33:35 in. 36:22 in.^ 40:32 in. 44:11 in. 45:12 in. 47:01 in. 49:13 in.^ 50:18 in. 53:08 in.^ 1:00:44 in.^ 1:02:56 in. 1:07:19 in.^ 1:10:56 in.^ Maybe a second tier effort for the series, if not one of the series' best. "The Next Victim" NO COMPOSER CREDITED https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=07IZtObH-no Highlights: 8:04 in.^ 14:54 in. Short brass heavy dramatic cue.^ 20:14 in. 22:54 in. And the jazz source cue that immediately follows it. And the short score cue that immediately follows the source cue.^ 28:19 in.^ 29:22 in. 31:42 in.^ 34:45 in. 37:06 in. 41:06 in.^ 48:19 in. 54:21 in.^ 55:02 in.^ 59:09 in.^(use?) 1:02:59 in.^ I could not find a load with the original closing and opening credits. I suspect Johnson is credited in those. For the guys here: 20:44 in. You're welcome. The bikini girls lead into the 22:54 cue, by the way. "Nightmare for a Nightingale" (A.K.A.: "Melody of Hate") NO COMPOSER CREDITED https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=veuGj-GP9_w Highlights: 4:49 in. 10:33 in. 18:51 in. 26:58 in. 29:09 in. 33:25 in.^ 34:34 in. 38:37 in.^ 55:34 in. I could not find a load with the original closing and opening credits. I suspect Johnson is credited in those.
Finishing SEASON 6:
"Dial a Deadly Number" By: Paul Clay https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSg683i1kTc Highlights: 0:34 in.^ 10:13 in.^ 15:09 in. 19:52 in.^ 35:51 in. 41:15 in. 47:48 in. 50:31 in. 54:27 in.^ 55:19 in.^ 59:22 in.^ 1:02:55 in.^ 1:06:34 in.^ 1:07:46 in.^ 1:12:34 in. Short bumper and the end credits music which immediately follows it. First bumper cue in any video load.^ What a terrible episode. Avoid. "Kill Two Birds" (A.K.A.: "Cry Terror!") https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oz9kbPQNPSM Highlights: 0:55 in. 3:49 in. Jazz chase music.^ 6:00 in.^ 11:25 in.^(11:50) 13:08 in.^ 19:36 in. 29:00 in. 29:31 in. The radio source music. 37:59 in. And the source music that immediately follows it. 42:21 in. 57:57 in. 1:02:19 in.^ 1:03:38 in.^ 1:07:09 in.^ 1:10:06 in.^ Maybe a second tier effort. It was going fine the first half of the score, but then lost it's steam. Couple have been a contender for a series' best score if not for that. "A Midsummer Nightmare" (A.K.A.: "Appointment with a Killer") NO COMPOSER CREDITED https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-XqtPRDNdLY Highlights: 0:20 in.^ 2:50 in. Funky.^ 14:06 in.^ 22:58 in.^ 24:14 in.^ 31:07 in.^ 37:25 in.^ 39:25 in.^ 45:54 in.^ 51:00 in.^ 55:10 in. 56:51 in.^ 1:01:33 in.^ 1:07:15 in.^ 1:13:10 in.^ One of the best scores of the series. Shame it's apparently a track job from unknown composer(s). "Death in Deep Water" (final episode) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKHaRHZ8tVM Highlights: 1:20 in.^ 5:05 in. 9:14 in. 17:05 in. 22:20 in.^ 23:15 in.^ 29:46 in. 33:05 in. 40:55 in. 42:57 in. And the cue after the commercial break.^(both) 48:09 in. 50:44 in. 55:01 in.^ 58:00 in.^ 1:00:20 in.^ 1:00:52 in.^ 1:03:56 in. 1:05:33 in. 1:07:12 in.^ 1:10:07 in.^ For the guys here: 18:10 in. You're welcome. She's also in a small two-piece bikini about ten minutes earlier (and again at 21:42 in and 23:55 in). The remake opening/closing credits of this episode are fucked up. They both skip crediting Johnson with the score, and only credit one of the editors (three are just skipped over). And the original opening/closing credits have different attributes for Johnson. The opening says "Music by" and the closing says "Music Written by". This final episode is also one of the rare episodes that has a credited director of cinematography. Normally only the cameramen are credited. "A bottle of bourbon, you said? I'll help you sample that, don't worry." Tomorrow, for the month of Halloween, another thriller TV series.