It’s here! The Black Friday announcement from La-La Land Records! You all know about the 800 pound gorilla STAR TREK THE ORIGINAL SERIES SOUNDTRACK COLLECTION coming out...  ...but we here at Santa’s workshop feel that the other 3 titles going on sale Tuesday December 4, 2012 at 1 pm pst are worth being “enthusiastic” over: First up: HOME ALONE 2: LOST IN NEW YORK – EXPANDED ORIGINAL MOTION PICTURE SCORE -- 2 CD SET MUSIC BY JOHN WILLIAMS LLLCD 1232 LIMITED EDITION OF 3000 UNITS RETAIL PRICE: $24.98 PRODUCED BY NICK REDMAN AND MIKE MATESSINO MASTERED BY MIKE MATESSINO LINER NOTES BY MIKE MATESSINO ART DIRECTION BY JIM TITUS  La-La Land Records and 20th Century Fox are proud to announce the 20th Anniversary release of one of John Williams’ timeless scores. This newly remastered and slightly expanded reissue features fantastic sound and detailed liner notes by John Williams historian, Mike Matessino. Jim Titus’ festive artwork not only compliments this holiday classic but makes for a great companion to the work he did on our previous release of HOME ALONE two Christmas’ ago. This is a great opportunity to pick up this whimsical score if you missed out on the previous release. We now go from uptown to downtown…and all over the boroughs for that matter. . . Ten years ago when Matt and I were forming La-La Land Records we had a number of soundtracks we wanted to see released – Batman the Animated Series, Blazing Saddles, Godzilla (1998), Bad Boys, Friday the 13th, The X Files, Scrooged, Airplane, expanded ID4, and a host of others. Near the top of this list was a score from a 1995 film that had a soundtrack release, but due to scheduling issues what came out was only a fraction of the score as written and recorded for the film. Last minute pick-ups prevented some of the best music from the film from being on the cd. After spending years looking for all the elements (finally located in the vaults at Disney) we are proud to present one of our Holiest Grails: DIE HARD WITH A VENGEANCE – EXPANDED ORIGINAL MOTION PICTURE SOUNDTRACK -- 2 CD SET MUSIC BY MICHAEL KAMEN LLLCD 1233 LIMITED EDITION OF 4000 UNITS RETAIL PRICE: $29.98 PRODUCED BY NICK REDMAN, MIKE MATESSINO and DIDIER C. DEUTSCH MASTERED BY MIKE MATESSINO LINER NOTES BY JEFF BOND ART DIRECTION BY JIM TITUS  Michael Kamen is back with a vengeance at La-La Land Records with this spectacular 2 cd set brought to you courtesy of Sony Music and 20th Century Fox . Literally years in the making, this explosive set features over 2 hours of music written and recorded for the third film in the Die Hard franchise. The soundtrack that was released back in 1995 only contained only a fair amount of score, songs and some classical cues that were not ever featured in the final film. This newly expanded release gives the fans what they have been clamoring for…and then some. Not only are we releasing the score as written for the film, but also several rejected tracks never heard until now. If you are fan of high octane, action packed scoring this is a must have release! 2012 has been a wonderful year of releases for La-La Land Records – titles like Friday the 13th, Hook, Star Trek the Motion Picture and more music from Batman The Animated Series got everyone at our offices dancing a jig upon their respective release dates, but this final title of our “Black Friday” batch is the one we have been waiting to unleash. Next to Ghostbusters, this film is the most quoted movie around the triple “L” offices. When you have a dynamite script written by Mamet, stellar direction by a master like DePalma and actors like DeNiro, Connery and Costner bringing their “A” game you have to have the Maestro of Maestro’s deliver the score of a life time…and 25 years ago, that’s exactly what we got. THE UNTOUCHABLES – EXPANDED 2 CD SET MUSIC BY ENNIO MORRICONE LLLCD 1236 LIMITED EDITION OF 3500 UNITS RETAIL PRICE: $24.98 PRODUCED BY DAN GOLDWASSER AND NEIL S. BULK MASTERED BY DOUG SCHWARTZ LINER NOTES BY JEFF BOND ART DIRECTION BY DAN GOLDWASSER  La-La Land Records, Universal Music and Paramount Pictures are proud to announce the 25th Anniversary 2 cd set of Ennio Morricone’s masterpiece THE UNTOUCHABLES. Disc One of this stellar set features the score as heard in the film. Disc two features the Grammy award winning album presentation as well a number of bonus tracks including the unused song performed by Randy Edelman that was based on the love theme from the film. What makes this release extra special is now the fans of the score can hear both versions of the Maestro’s powerful score on cd – the film mix as well as the original album mix – both have never sounded better! These 3 releases as well as our 15 cd box set of Star Trek The Original Series go on sale Tuesday, December 4 at 1 pm pst at www.lalalandrecords.com and other fine online stores. Happy holidays from everyone here at La-La Land Records. And thank you for supporting the label for the last 10 years. Here’s to another 10!
OH MY GOD! Okay, you guys know when I post on here I'm always very calm with my post. But I'll be damned if you didn't just fire the assassin's bullet with Die Hard 3!!! Fuckin' awesome! Thank you La La Land!
Awesome! DH and Untouchables for sure! One question - can we expect any additional sales/discounts on older titles in Dec? Unsure whether to hold out ordering or not.... There will be no more 10th anniversary sales in 2012. The current sale going ends Dec 3. We do have a handful of MGM titles going OOP Dec 31. Those items we will be blowing out starting Dec 4. MV
Ill be getting ALL of these. Including the Home Alone 2 despite the fact that I have the Varese one . You guys are awesome!!!
As I was going to St Ives I met a man with seven wives Every wife had seven sacks Every sack had seven cats Every cat had seven kits Kits, cats, sacks, wives. How many were going to St Ives?
Posted: |
Nov 23, 2012 - 1:15 AM
By: |
Ten years ago when Matt and I were forming La-La Land Records we had a number of soundtracks we wanted to see released – Batman the Animated Series, Blazing Saddles, Godzilla (1998), Bad Boys, Friday the 13th, The X Files, Scrooged, Airplane, expanded ID4, and a host of others... Here's to ten more badasstastic years, muchachos!
Woo Hoo!!! Now I can cease all my "So hope/want for Die Hard 3 comments!" Thanks so much Triple L!
Just sayin'
The Untouchables. Oh wonderful, I'be been hoping for the film versions for years. What a year for soundtrack collectors it's been.
Just sayin'  Funny! Was just waching him two days ago in City Island.
Amazing trio from the triple L!!. BRAVO!!
All 4 are no brain purchases for me. What an INCREDIBLE year for LLL!!
Well, the 800 pound gorilla goes without saying. Home Alone 2 raises my brow, and I might leap on that.  My only dilemma is keeping costs down.