Standing in the shadow of a large living room. Cracking a trademark sunflower seed between his teeth. Clicking his cell phone off. Putting his headphones on.
SCULLY Mulder?
MULDER The element of a beautiful score, Scully. Random acts of unpredictability. If we fail to anticipate the unforeseen or expect the unexpected in a universe of infinite possibilities, we find ourselves at the mercy of anyone or anything that cannot be programmed, categorized or easily referenced...
Mulder has adjusted himself ever more into his living room chair, where he sails his sunflower seeds into the air. Dusting his hands off as if lost in a wistful through for just a moment.
The sounds of Mark Snow's music envelopes the room.
You read that right – this is the first Volume of music we plan to release from this landmark television series. VOLUME TWO is already in the works and is scheduled to be released in 2012.
You've now let another cat out of the bag! 2012 is roughly 6 months away. Let the countdown begin!
Don't worry,
The invasion isn't set to happen until Dec 23,2012...
They have time to get the 2nd volume out before the aliens sprout from our bodies....
I for one am VERY happy Mark was able to sign so many so everyone won't be going nuts on trying to get an autograph, or more importantly ME going nuts!
Should be a neat listen, LLL's releases are always top notch.
"Housed in an attractive reinforced black cardboard slipcase,"
Is that jewel cases housed in attractive reinforced black cardboard slipcase? Or discs in paper or cardboard sleeves housed in an attractive black reinforced cardboard slipcase?
The second volume coming out in 2012? Anyone who watched the show knows thats the year of colonization! Planning your little CD release around when the EBEs are landing, are you?