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 Posted:   Jul 20, 2022 - 8:11 AM   
 By:   Bishop   (Member)

Excellent seeing this thread popping up, as I just had a question concerning the Buffy scores.

Back when the almost impossible happened and a single disc with the Buffy score got released (not those "Radio Sunnydale" and whatever releases) there were numerous bonus tracks available from different purchases, which unfortunately didn't make the 4CD set either. As they now seem pretty much unavailable (being released digitally and not on some CD), does anybody know how to get hold of this tracks nowadays?

(Best thing of course would be for La-La Land to release another Buffy Set along with an additional Angel-set, but I fear right now these are still just wet dreams of mine)

P.S.: Here's a list including all the bonus tracks I was talking about:

 Posted:   Jul 20, 2022 - 8:18 AM   
 By:   CindyLover   (Member)

Excellent seeing this thread popping up, as I just had a question concerning the Buffy scores.

Back when the almost impossible happened and a single disc with the Buffy score got released (not those "Radio Sunnydale" and whatever releases) there were numerous bonus tracks available from different purchases, which unfortunately didn't make the 4CD set either. As they now seem pretty much unavailable (being released digitally and not on some CD), does anybody know how to get hold of this tracks nowadays?

 Posted:   Jul 20, 2022 - 8:18 AM   
 By:   CindyLover   (Member)

Because it was a double post.

 Posted:   Jul 20, 2022 - 9:59 AM   
 By:   Goatmeal   (Member)

Back when the almost impossible happened and a single disc with the Buffy score got released (not those "Radio Sunnydale" and whatever releases) there were numerous bonus tracks available from different purchases, which unfortunately didn't make the 4CD set either. As they now seem pretty much unavailable (being released digitally and not on some CD), does anybody know how to get hold of this tracks nowadays?

Ah, yes; that miserable period of time (late '00s) where you had to subscribe to various digital sites to get a "more complete" release of music available... TRON: Legacy comes to mind, but thankfully at least those have been now released on a single digital site.

It came hot on the heels of the previous miserable period of time (late '90s/early '00s) where brick-and-mortar stores had THEIR own "Exclusive Track" CDs for purchase. Target store's "On The Conveyor" bonus track from Star Wars: Attack of The Clones is an example of that scheme...

Truly some frustrating days for our fandom.

 Posted:   Jul 21, 2022 - 7:08 AM   
 By:   DaveM   (Member)

You are gonna love the season 2 - 4 score by Beck (he only did half of season 2 though, and you can hear the difference between him and the other composers. Big difference actually!). Both the show and the score increases in quality almost suddenly about halfway through the second season (i will not go into details wink ). You'll love it!

Season 3 is my personal favorite. For both the show and the score wink

Definitely looking forward to it! Only watched the the opening episode and the music was so much better than in S1.

 Posted:   Jul 21, 2022 - 7:57 AM   
 By:   acathla   (Member)

You are gonna love the season 2 - 4 score by Beck (he only did half of season 2 though, and you can hear the difference between him and the other composers. Big difference actually!). Both the show and the score increases in quality almost suddenly about halfway through the second season (i will not go into details wink ). You'll love it!

Season 3 is my personal favorite. For both the show and the score wink

Definitely looking forward to it! Only watched the the opening episode and the music was so much better than in S1.

Right?! So much better! For the second episode he only did additional music, but you can easily hear which cues he made. wink

 Posted:   Jul 21, 2022 - 12:33 PM   
 By:   DaveM   (Member)

For the second episode he only did additional music, but you can easily hear which cues he made. wink

Watched it and I guess he did the emotional cues. But I don't know. 5 Seconds into any Star Trek episode and I can tell who who made the music but I just don't know the score of Buffy well enough yet to distinguish between the composers' styles.

I really like that the additional composer credit is right under the main composers one and not hidden somewhere in the music department section (most likely because this show doesn't had one lol).

 Posted:   Jul 21, 2022 - 1:11 PM   
 By:   Yavar Moradi   (Member)

Watched it and I guess he did the emotional cues. But I don't know. 5 Seconds into any Star Trek episode and I can tell who who made the music but I just don't know the score of Buffy well enough yet to distinguish between the composers' styles.

Don't worry; you'll get there! wink


 Posted:   Jul 21, 2022 - 2:30 PM   
 By:   Josh "Swashbuckler" Gizelt   (Member)

It'll become really apparent really soon when it's Beck, and when it's someone else.

 Posted:   Jul 21, 2022 - 4:59 PM   
 By:   acathla   (Member)

The two guys before me is very right!
You'll get there soon enough. Its actually such a big difference between him and the others!

So, over to a completely different "issue"!

And WARNING! DaveM, you might want to skip this part of the post as it could have some minor spoilers for season 2.

In the LLL box set there's a cue called "Spike, My Boy". I was a bit confused once I saw the tracklist cause I couldnt remember the score from that scene. Turns out the cue is for the next scene in the episode. Its the film version of "Moment Of Happiness" from the OST/promo CD. The line "Spike, my boy" is said in the scene before, so I'm not sure if its a mistake and we actually dont have the real title for this cue?

Anyways, I renamed it to "Moment Of Happiness" and then I renamed the OST version to "Moment Of Happiness (Alternate)"

 Posted:   Jul 28, 2022 - 7:59 AM   
 By:   ZerOne   (Member)

The show's score dramatically improves in season 2 (and especially 3-4). After that, it falls back to mediocrity again when Beck leaves.

Beck is obviously the best, but a little harsh on the other composers who did a good job too. Thomas Wander had some really great tracks, the problem with his music was just that it sounded less orchestral and cerebral, it wasn't quite as ambitious. Rob Duncan did IMO a great job, almost as good as Beck.

So do budgetary restrictions merit a weaker score? I don't think so. Personally I think that when S6 came around Wanker's heart - for whatever reason - just wasn't in it anymore

I think we should also keep in mind that producing/scoring a 22-episode-per-season show as Buffy is a gruelling job. Maybe Wander wasn't cut out for that kind of grind.


Dear Gods of La La Land Records, please give us another Buffy and Angel set soon. razz

 Posted:   Jul 28, 2022 - 8:09 AM   
 By:   LeHah   (Member)


Dear Gods of La La Land Records, please give us another Buffy and Angel set soon.

That doesn't get it done. Buy more copies. Give them to your friends. Sell them online. Sell them at conventions.

The only thing that counts is that the first set sells well enough to merit more. All else is moonshine.

 Posted:   Jul 28, 2022 - 8:23 AM   
 By:   Yavar Moradi   (Member)

Well said, LeHah. It's never too late to get the word out, either.

I remember MV lamenting on this very board that their Star Trek: The Next Generation Vol. 1 sold poorly and that there likely wouldn't be a followup. But then after Vol. 2 appeared, he explained that at some point the set "found its audience" or something... i.e. the Star Trek fans finally found out about it. So if more Buffy fans can be told about this, maybe a Vol. 2 can still happen one day.


 Posted:   Jul 28, 2022 - 9:15 AM   
 By:   Hurdy Gurdy   (Member)

It was heartening to see LLL recently mention that it's due for some more sets to be pressed.
That's better than them saying 'when these sell out, that's it'.
A steady trickle of sales is better than nothing (or is it?).
I always thought this would be a massive seller for LLL, based on the show popularity and its fans.

I wish THE ORVILLE could 'find its audience'

 Posted:   Jul 28, 2022 - 10:26 AM   
 By:   Jeyl   (Member)

I wish THE ORVILLE could 'find its audience'.

I wanted to get into the Orville, but then I remembered that Seth MacFarlane is not the kind of actor I want to watch on a routine basis. Like Michael Cera. I can't say he's a bad actor, but I hate it whenever he's on screen.

 Posted:   Jul 28, 2022 - 12:10 PM   
 By:   LeHah   (Member)

I wanted to get into the Orville, but then I remembered that Seth MacFarlane is not the kind of actor I want to watch on a routine basis. Like Michael Cera. I can't say he's a bad actor, but I hate it whenever he's on screen.

Oh, then I can happily say it for you: he's a bad actor!

(And in this era where we're rightfully canceling Joss Whedon for being a toxic POS, why we give Seth a free pass after 20 years of his shitty fratboy racist/sexist humor is beyond me.)

 Posted:   Jul 28, 2022 - 12:13 PM   
 By:   acathla   (Member)

I was so sure this would sell out fast. Specially with all the silly Buffy things the fans throw themselves over these days! This set is something thats actually from and «inside» the show!! Come on fans! Lol! At least we know they had an Angel set planned and worked on despite the Buffy set not selling as they hoped to. But looks like they are not able to release it anymore due to several factors. The Fox/Disney merge i.e. which made everything much harder. I think they even had the tracklist covered/ready. Such a shame they wont get to finish a project they’ve started. And probably already spent time and money on :/

I do think that second Buffy volume would be even more interesting than the first one since it would be all brand new stuff. So much from the first volume was already available for years (but of course now in MUCH better quality!) and the two most sought after seasons (3 and 4. At least in my opinion, score wise) had nothing new to offer. Would have loved even more score from Hush and Restless. And so much amazing stuff from season 3 deserves to see the light of day!

But anyway, I am so thankful that we got the first volume. A long time dream for me. And I still play it on a daily basis. And always will!

 Posted:   Jul 28, 2022 - 1:27 PM   
 By:   DaveM   (Member)

2x09 Had some really good music.
a cool but very short waltz at 5:20 when Spike dances
a longer, more quite cue in 3/4 at 14:56 Spike does something evil
and a really beautiful cue, also in 3/4 at 25:58 when Buffy ice-skates

 Posted:   Jul 28, 2022 - 1:57 PM   
 By:   acathla   (Member)

2x09 Had some really good music.
a cool but very short waltz at 5:20 when Spike dances
a longer, more quite cue in 3/4 at 14:56 Spike does something evil
and a really beautiful cue, also in 3/4 at 25:58 when Buffy ice-skates

This episode was scored by the other composers, but yes, they do have their moments smile

 Posted:   Jul 29, 2022 - 2:36 AM   
 By:   ZerOne   (Member)


Dear Gods of La La Land Records, please give us another Buffy and Angel set soon.

That doesn't get it done. Buy more copies. Give them to your friends. Sell them online. Sell them at conventions.

The only thing that counts is that the first set sells well enough to merit more. All else is moonshine.

Oh, I already bought THREE copies and mention it on every message board I visit with a link to the La La Land Records website.

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