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The FSM podcast returns with its biggest, most spectacular episode to date: An overview of the history of Star Trek music, from Courage to Giacchino. Special guest stars include Star Trek experts Jeff Bond, Lukas D. Kendall and more!

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Listening now, fun times! :)

Great to hear these guys again.

Wasn't John Barry's The Black Hole the last score to have an overture? Not ST TMP?

I love it when they break down the music theory, the types of chords and scales. Wish there was more of that type of stuff in articles/liner notes.

The fact that they skipped over everything following Generations is something that leaves a bad taste in one's mouth.

The fact that they outright dismissed it in the way that they did is nothing short of disgusting. Nevermind its Jerry Goldsmith - why is it that they can find the time to bash Horner and Rosenman but not say *anything* about the last three ST scores?

For people who turn their noses up at Rosenman's ego - they sure do a damn good job filling his shoes by acting the same way.

They mentioned the excellent First Contact theme.

They mentioned the excellent First Contact theme.

Yeah, they gave an entire score a once-over by mentioning one theme from it. Not Joel Goldsmith's work on it, not the music or other themes or how it functions or is written - certainly not of the detail they did the previous seven scores. Its glib and in poor taste.

It has a mean way of being complimentary to its subject matter.

I find all critical impulses fall away when I hear their little 'Doug Adams' theme song.

But Lehah, if you want to take it too seriously, just compare to their historical episodes on the Star Wars saga, Indiana Jones saga, the Shyamalan films, etc. In that context, the brief whistlestop scattershot tour of the Trek series hardly seems unusual. It's more extensive a tour than they've done before, and a hard subject to sum up in under 10 minutes.

It's more extensive a tour than they've done before, and a hard subject to sum up in under 10 minutes.

Given the context that they can't make a criticism of the Giacchino score without either giving away too much or giving anything away to an audience who hasn't heard it and has no context for agreement or disagreement - it seems a fools errand to skip over 3 / 10ths known, established material simply because they turn their noses up at it. That would be like discussing Galileo, Einstein , Tipler and then say "Oh yeah, that Hawking guy went into the hospital this week. Moving on..."

I don't want to say its "unprofessional" (since this *is* a podcast we're talking about) but there is something to the word.

I don't want to say its "unprofessional" (since this *is* a podcast we're talking about) but there is something to the word.

That's a bit of a low blow. Podcasts *can't* be professional? IMHO, FSM's Podcast is one of the finest film music related radio programs/podcasts I've ever heard.


PS - They almost completely skipped over Star Trek III as well.... minus that Klingon Theme/Aliens jab. I think they gave Goldsmith plenty of air time and moved swiftly onto the portion of the show that most of us were really "tuning" in for... that being Giacchino's new score.

Another fine show, guys!

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