This is all of the season (it was short). Here's a new drinking game: Every time the show changes names, take a shot. I don't think any other show that changed it's name so many times! Bet some of you forgot this even existed. Maybe some don't even know it did at all. All but one episode is scored by John Cacavas. You'll notice some of the scoring has that weird echo-y sound heard in scores by Gil Melle recorded in Canada, so I'm worried the scoring was done there. "Word Games" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mb6iJ8IeR6g Highlights: 0:00 in. SFX free theme. 4:42 in. 18:27 in. 21:10 in. 32:42 in. 35:35 in. 37:50 in. 39:24 in. 50:20 in. 52:02 in. 54:24 in. And the cue after the commercial break. 57:24 in.* 1:00:11 in. 1:02:04 in. Around six minutes long. 1:13:00 in. 1:15:50 in. 1:18:05 in. 1:20:16 in. Goes on for over ten minutes. 1:32:12 in. That's pretty much every single cue and the cues cover most of the pilot film, so you might as well just watch it. Okay, so the TV-movie length pilot calls it "Word Games". That's name number one. * = A funny scene where Kate takes what looks like the car Mr. Columbop drives in the various "Columbo" specials, to get repairs. "Murder Is a Parlor Game" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3V45an69FM Highlights: 0:00 in. The theme music. And the score cue that immediately follows it. 5:28 in. 9:23 in. And the cue after the commercial break. 22:23 in. 36:41 in. 44:41 in. Aside from source music, that's all but one cue. So I might as well say the complete score should be released. Now it's called "Mrs. Columbo", so take a shot. "A Riddle for Puppets" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xk1dAaf5ws Highlights: 1:03 in. 3:02 in. 17:50 in. 35:40 in. "Caviar with Everything" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ITiANE3FtN0 Highlights: 1:02 in. 6:43/8:03 in. 14:47 in. 16:59 in. 23:15 in. 28:33 in. 29:52 in. 35:34 in. 45:25 in. "A Puzzle for Prophets" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJQz20fS-0s Highlights: 0:59 in. 17:55 in. 23:49 in. 25:18 in. 38:57 in. 45:25 in.
This is just over half final season (it was also short) This next season has a new theme. "Ladies of the Afternoon" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwcyAH5ECy0 Highlights: 1:01/3:39 in. 11:59 in. 15:43 in. 30:05 in. 35:43 in. 38:07 in. 39:25 in. 40:15 in. Over five minutes long. The name of the paper Kate works for changes names in the episode! "It Goes with the Territory" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NqF_hCAqG9c Highlights: 0:59/2:21/4:23/5:17 in. 7:58 in. 9:24 in. 11:58 in. 17:13 in. 20:37 in. 23:44 in. 25:18 in. Continues after the commercial break. 34:07 in. 37:17 in. 42:18 in. 45:31 in. Kate: "You may find it hard to believe, but I was a little girl once myself." "Off the Record" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKZ02rb2pnw Highlights: 1:00/2:07 in. 5:39 in. 22:27 in. 27:26 in. 30:35 in. And the cue after the commercial break. 38:29/40:12 in. 41:12 in. 44:00 in. 45:17 in. In a big insult to "Columbo", since this "spin-off" series wasn't sanctioned by the "Columbo" producers, Kate divorced Mr. Columbo off-screen during one of the previous season two episodes. "The Valley Strangler" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yGfVKVU8bjg Highlights: 5:29 in. 8:40 in. 9:35 in. And the cue after the commercial break. 17:33 in. 20:50 in. 25:28 in. 29:48 in. 30:58 in. 43:04 in. "A Chilling Surprise" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uUn1WM6Xr3M Highlights: 1:00 in. 6:00 in. 10:18 in. 12:43 in.* 19:50 in. And the cue after the commercial break. 23:27 in. 31:08 in. 34:52 in. 40:19 in. 45:15 in. * = Just before the cues begins, you can see that what Kate is saying doesn't match her lip movement and then the words stop but her lips keep going. Obvious voice over.
Finishing SEASON 2:
"Falling Star" By: C.R. Cassey https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gQZ9J4oP7fk This is the only episode Cassey scored. Highlights: 1:00 in. 3:48/4:47 in. And the source music that immediately follows the second cue. 10:50 in. 20:52 in. 25:30 in. 29:27 in. 40:26 in. 44:22 in. "Feelings Can Be Murder" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dg9nKJ-a5P0 Highlights: 0:59/33:44/41:26 in. Love that theme. Also heard a little in the last cited cue. 13:41 in. 18:42 in. 36:18 in. 38:02 in. 44:44 in. "Love, on Instant Replay" (final episode) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNGwCxEoZNk Highlights: 1:00 in. 3:33 in. That theme I mentioned loving in the above episode, is here a little, too. And in the next cue as well. 27:07 in. 32:18 in. 34:10 in. 40:18 in. 42:30 in. 44:55 in. Also includes that theme. Well, these episodes do not have the original titles. the shows changed names three more times; it also went by "Kate Columbo", "Kate Loves a Mystery" (after the divorce), "Kate the Detective", and there was another with a different word for "Mrs.". So, go ahead and take three more shots. (and yes, I know this for a fact, because of old loads [now deleted] I watched myself years ago) Here are three score suites I made: Suite #1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rHJiUbnQmF4 Suite #2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_5qNQXwkTTw Suite #3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rHJiUbnQmF4 Here is what I wrote about the series years ago at MainTitles.net in the Mystery Score Clips thread I created (some redundant material removed): Kate Mulgrew played Kate Columbo. Or Rose Columbo. Or Kate Callahan. Or Rose Callahan. Yes, things get more confusing from here on in. Supposedly the wife of Columbo, even using his dog, showing his car and referring to her husband as a police detective (though the wikipedia page indicates she would have been 12 years old from the first reference in older Columbo episodes), for some reason an unofficial spin-off was created. Kate would often get caught up in mysteries that involve murder and would solve them. Even though Mulgrew had unexpected acting range, the show was written nicely, interesting, and over-all well done, it made two fatal mistakes that put the final nails in the coffin. One, it unofficially made itself a spin-off of a famous television character and then when they decided to re-tool it and drop the connection, they actually divorced her from Mr. Columbo and had her pay to change her last name. If you wanted to piss off fans of "Columbo", that was a sure-fire way. The theme and all but one episode were scored by the late John Cacavas, who also did three "Columbo" episodes. Of interesting note, there was another Trek connection: Rene Auberjonois, who played Odo on D.S.9., was in two episodes.
You can read more about the episode, including a funny quote from the "Columbo" series about his "wife", here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mrs._Columbo